Door Hanger / Business cards

Hey everyone,

Please give your opinion on these and if there is a change you’d made, please give suggestions.
I think I should put where I am servicing on my business card too but not sure where.


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Effective use of whitespace.

35% off?!

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Haha 35% off a price they don’t know yet! But I am starting out so I need to offer an incentive to get me going.

20% off is plenty.
$200 - 20%($40) = $160…$450 - 20%($90) = $360
$200 - 35%($70) = $130…$450 - 35%($157.50) = $292.50

See how you can give too much money away?


Get rid of the squeegee. No offense but that makes you look like every window cleaner that leaves a card. I would also put Commercial & Residential instead of business and sorry but that black is not good, hard to read.

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And 35% is a huge discount. Way too much


Agree, 35% off is too much. Also, I don’t think a business card is the right place to put an offer, as your offers could change over time. You’re card should say something unique about you, whether in it’s design, or in slogan. Ask yourself, Does that card make me stand out among my competition? It should be clean & uncluttered… after all, it’s a small space to work with.

Fully insured are ya? Haha.

Sorry mate I’m a bit confused, did I do a grammar error.

You have insurance? Because I see on the card you say you are and since you’re new to this I don’t think that’s true. Just saying lol

Oh haha! I am getting my ducks in row before I go canvasing. Better to have it prepared and have in case I get a call for a job. Ordering my cards and door hangers, have to buy a few more supplies then I will be out and about!

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Go to a website called Fivver, they will design a card for you…very cheap. I am not a professional artist, any business card I have ever made will never look as good as from someone who does it for a living. Just like window cleaning!

I am doing the same, getting everything ready. I work full-time for a company so I am just buying my tools from their paychecks, so in a few months I will be fully locked and loaded. Good luck man

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Ive ordered some off Vistaprint that i liked, along with some door hangers! Id say about 3 weeks until I go canvasing.

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