Drop off screen repair

you can find good quality plastic corner pieces. The only problem with plastic, like you said, is that it becomes sun faded and can break easily. I don’t think you can get metal pieces for every kind of screen. so sometimes you have to use plastic.

I have always used the plastic corner pieces. Haven’t had any problems yet.

Tomorrow I am supposed to do an estimate for a complete clean and 16 custom builds and 18 rebuilds.

Doing screens are annoying to be quite honest. But they do pay well.

Louie how did the estimate go?

Pretty good.

They really didn’t need as many as she said she did on the phone. I could have pushed it. But sometimes I build more confidence and trust with the customers (leading to more referrals) because I won’t sell something they don’t need.

12 rescreens.

2 custom built.


The rest I cleaned while cleaning their windows on Friday. Dropping the screens back off on Monday since I am doing a job on the same street.

(A lady walking her dog requested an estimate after seeing my truck and the acrobatics I had to do to get around a tree.)

hey louie

i have a question how do you keep screens from bowing when you re screen them?

I don’t.

That is how I know they are good and tight. Just because it bows a little doesn’t mean it is defective. Whenever you re-install the screen they will straighten back out. The first time I did a screen it bowed and I thought, “oh crap… now I gotta make a new screen.”

Not the case.

Just don’t get em so tight they bend the frame or lose their proper dimension.

okay mine are slightly bowed but it just enough to make it look uneven when reinstalled.

Are you saying they tension will loosen up and the frame will even out.

The “rods” have a curve on purpose. It is a slight one. If they were straight, the tension of the screen would bow them in.

Make sure your rods are bowed away from center before you assemble. Then the screen will pull everything nice and tight.

You may all mail me gracious thank-you cards complete with cash.:smiley:

Phil… Phil… Phil…:smiley: