Hey, guys last week I did my first EEDM campaign, and I sent 2774 pieces. This week I got only one call so far. I picked up a high-end neighborhood with disposable income, and I did exactly how was written on the book " Window cleaning marketing blueprint." I am curious for those of you who do EDDM what kind of response rate do you get? Is it common to have results like mine?
Mine is a similar story, with similar results.
I just went back to marketing in person and growing my route work. Ain’t got deep enough pockets to lay out another EDDM if the return isn’t immediately there.
I know that the key is in the repetition, but I am pretty much disappointed with the small response rate. I have 2000 more pieces left which I am going to send after 4 of July to the same routes. I hope I will have better response rate on that mailing
Just because they’re in a high-end neighborhood doesn’t mean they have disposable income. Many people are so Tapped Out for living a lifestyle of appearance
Eddm is all about multiple deliveries to the same people.
I believe @Bruce has a great break down of the average touches needed.
I dont start getting calls until after a week to 10 days after they are delivered, and usually the second round does better.
I will see what is going to happen I was expecting at least 5-10 calls but so far only one and I gave estimate to the person but it doesn’t seem that he is going to book
I did EDDM a lot staring out. It is tough for sure laying out the cash constantly. I tried several different types of neighborhoods. A couple middle of the road, a little higher up and way up their. The best producers by far were the middle of the road homes. Not the Mcmansions with the BMW’s and so forth. You would think those would be the ideal customer and I did get a few. But the husband and wife who both work and are running here and there with their kids and are totally consumed with life have so much going on the last thing they want to do one their day off is clean windows. Those were the homes that brought me good results.
5000 mailers - the 2500 that went to the middle of the road neighborhoods produced about 15-18 calls and 90% booked a job.
Hope that helps, just my experience.
I did a local mailer to 44,000 houses. 0 calls after almost 2 weeks.
Word of mouth and direct solicitation is your best form of advertising and they’re absolutely free. Ask your friends if they know of anyone that needs their windows cleaned. That’ll kick start things.
when you say “local mailer” what exactly do you mean? a share flyer with other businesses? an eddm piece of your own?
I did an EDDM in mid April and was booked solid until beginning of June. I had more work in those two months than all last year. Things started to slow down and I did another mailing last week and am getting calls again and booking jobs. Was actually nervous about it and surprised that it’s working. It is expensive, but it’s helping.
Sorry that it hasn’t been successful for you yet. It might turn out better though over time. It’s sometimes surprising how long people hold on to your advertising before actually calling (I had one that still had last year’s door hanger!).
You can always do door hangers at a fraction of the cost. The take so much time, but for me they have worked and i still use them.
Although I don’t have too much experience in EDDM, I can offer this…
Repitition is key.
Don’t go too high end with your target market. Every Tom, Dick and Harry is trying to market to them, and they guy in the 7000 sqft home probably doesn’t c heck his own mail.I
I guess everywhere is working differently. I have EDDM pieces to repeat the same addresses, and I am planning to do that after 4th of July weekend. I will see what kind of response rate I will receive, and I will keep you updated. Also, I just received a phone call from a yard sign that I placed a month ago almost two months. And I had a couple of jobs from yard signs in the past, so they do work in some cases. You can’t rely on constant work from them but it is worth trying to see if they work and they are way cheaper than the EDDM
That is a little low, but EDDM is not an exact science. Like most advertising, it’s a numbers game.
One point: I don’t know what part of the country you’re in, but in the Midwest, we slow down significantly in late June going into July. Things will stay a little slower for a couple months.
I am in Washington DC metro area and I guess here is slowing down a lot since there is only one call that was an estimate and the guy didn’t book at all. I sent 2775 pieces and only one call. Sometimes I am thinking the USPS didn’t deliver them at all , but who knows I will see on the second round what is going to happen
A little magazine with local businesses that is delivered by the postman. Maybe my future clients haven’t read them yet, as I’ve left the first one I got on my coffee table for a few weeks before going through it. Maybe I need repetition to build trust with it.
It only cost $325 (CDN), so it’s not that big a hit, but I was expecting to get a few calls at least, considering how few window cleaners are in my current city.
Commercial canvassing time
Direct mail is a numbers game because you are sending out many pieces to people who may not need your services at this moment or they can do it them selves or can’t afford it.
In addition it is a timing issue depending on weather, holidays seasons etc. etc.
Repeatitive advertising is key but you must track it because eventually you need to cut the dead wood.
In addition all advertising needs to be proof read and tweaked, some ads work better than others.
I just re ran an ad in a local shopper, it goes to 10,000 people. Last year I got 7 calls, running 2 ads in different sections of the shopper.
This year I cut it down to 1 ad. I re wrote the ad cutting the word count by half. So far I already have 36 calls. This is partly due to repetition and partly because the message is better suited to the people who read this particular shopper. Oddly enough all the calls were for 2 out of 3 services I provide. Which is weird because the service not being called on (plumbing repair) is a year round business.
Dont advertise to get jobs. Advertise to brand.