Everything broke today

So first a fitting on my pure water system busts and sprays water all in my face right in front of the customer as I frantically try to figure out what the heck is going on.

An hour later I hear a crunch as I’m working with my wfp, followed by a piece of one section slipping out the back.

Two hours later my hip clip explodes and, of course, I didn’t have a backup in the truck. At least the shoulder can be used in a pinch.

I was afraid to touch anything else today! (Oh, and our TV broke earlier this week, and my clippers were rusted when I went to use them to cut my hair today.)

Nevertheless, it was still a really awesome day. :grinning:


At least your repair parts are tax deductible. :joy:

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Sounds like the makings of a good country song


Daniel, what fitting busted? Also, let me know about that section so we can take care of that for you today.

I’m here to help.


I posted a picture in this thread, if you’d like to see it:

Thanks for the great customer service, Alex!

Daniel what afp do you have that broke and how did it break?