Take a CCU and I guarantee youll go back to store fronts at least 3 times more efficient(Don’t do it).
I called one of my storefronts today and upsold interior cleaning, and she was surprised at how much higher I quoted, but I was able to depict the exact reason for the quote, and she accepted.
I hit the ground running, and should’ve been mastering walking before taking this CCU.
My hands are cut all over, bruised fingernails from slamming them while shutting windows while exhausted, but I’m definitely more adament on what exactly my services entail, how long it’ll actually take, and to quote properly, because when 7pm hits after you’ve been taking care of other tradesmen sloppiness, and you are expected to finish 5 times quicker than what you can provide, you’ll get quicker.
One thing I like to quote, that I don’t follow to a T is “Smart people learn from their own mistakes, geniuses learn from other’s mistakes”.
Take my advice with a grain of salt, but just keep in mind that the more you clean, the more efficient you’ll have to become, which is what this job gave me, even though I couldn’t finish it.
My First day dealing with this monstrosity, one window with all these problems:
It took me an hour, solo, to figure out what the hell I got myself into for one window to look like this on my first day:
My advice wouldn’t be the best to take for obvious reasons, I’m just trying to relay what I’ve taken so far with this.
EDIT: Photo uploads are being slow, my internet is shot right now