So, against advice given to me previously, I decided to take a job cleaning multiple exterior and interior windows for a newly constructed hotel.
I got the call yesterday from the construction manager that the city just passed them their inspection, and they want the windows cleaned by tommorow. Second and third story windows, about 2 windows per room, except the master suites have about 3 large panes, all reachable with an extending pole.
I started the first room this morning, removed the protectors that I asked the construction manager multiple times about the protective films over, and realized that these stickers, adgesive facing the sun for months, were stuck right onto the glass:
I instantly realized how much work this would be, as my scratch waiver hasn’t even been signed yet.
I walked the property, but didn’t go inside before accepting This job, taking the verbal description given as truth.
I was there from dawn to dusk until I couldn’t see the windows anymore, regretting every hour that went by as I was meticulously cleaning adhesive off with 0000 steel wool and a very small Unger razor that I used for residentials, completely throwing off my time I expected to finish in.
I’m currently waiting on the signed waiver as I type this.
I now know how important it is to actually look at what the hell I’m accepting more closely, and I feel like a jackass, but I will complete the job, knowing I can be making more with my time on residentials.
Now then, either roast me, or give me advice, both are appreciated.