Most of the guys use a sawed off piece of old extension ladder. Is this handy little ladder for exterior first floor windows a common tool around the world or just in my neck of the woods.
Nope i use a sawed off here too. But from a flat rung ladder so i dont kill my feet.
So far i just use the tip of my sectional ladder.
Me too most of the time. But I think a stump ladder would do the same thing cheaper. And with better rungs. Haha
You know it’s weird…the rungs bothered me at first, but then my sneakers - which had thick soles - got ruined. I switched to my casual sneakers, which are super light-weight and have very thin soles. Ironically, the moment i used those, the rungs didn’t bother me anymore. Who would think thinner soles would be more comfortable than thick ones on rungs? So i ended up buying another pair to permanently use for work.
These sneakers are also the most comfortable I’ve ever worn and alleviate my back achiness just as well as my expensive orthotics. And the grip is amazing. They’re so light and maneuverable, i swear i work faster too!
The round rungs of the sectional will break down the arch of your feet of you use them constantly with out a harder souled shoe/boot.
Big believer in high end work boots here. Working in sneakers? Personal preference?
Anybody here ever have planter fasciitis?
Something you want to avoid. Haha
No, just where your from, we would just use a bass sectional if that was our intent.
We would just use a 4 foot step ladder
Yea boots everyday.
The guys using stump ladders don’t have sectionals. They’re usually made from an old retired extension ladder. It’s kinda like having one piece of a sectional but not really because it goes under the window not higher up on a corner.
They should get one.
Why does every aspect of this business involve pain?
I use the smallest Werner multi ladder for pretty much everything. Lots of guys here use a 4’ step for 1st floor exteriors. All the cookie cutter homes have a ton of bushes and landscaping but the first floor windows aren’t very high. Just need something to straddle the foliage.
Wish these were sold here
How come they’ve always got the good stuff.
We have a guy here in Kansas City that shows up in sandals and socks. I think some people are kinda charmed by it. He’s a one man show and a pretty darn good window cleaner. I’ve subbed stuff to him before. People have been happy. Ha!