Hey everyone. Recently, a guy in the street noticed my gear and asked if I was a window cleaner and whether or not I did any work for myself. I said yeah sure, why not (being only a high rise cleaner for another company at the time), and it turns out he owns 3 fast-food chain restaurants all within about 10 minutes walk of each other in the city. He’s requested a weekly clean and the job shouldn’t take me longer than 3-4 hours for all of them with walking time included.
I’m going to quote $380 AUD for all 3 restaurants. Does anyone think I’m too high or low?
Here is a copy of the quote, I am new to pricing.
How long do you think it will take you? Times that by half again. Keep that number. How much do you want to make per hour? Multiply by the first number you saved and that’s your quote unless you have a PITA up charge you need to make.
4 hours for 380 on route work isn’t bad at all. But what times can you do the restaurant? Is it a breakfast only place? Lunch only? 24/7 Denny’s? The type of restaurant will determine WHEN you can do it.
I personally don’t like weekly cleans but this sounds like a pretty good deal. I’d probably do one a day and try and build up routes around each of the 3.
I’m not even sure what a Denny’s is. haha! (Australian) They’re KFC’s actually (hardly a restaurant). It’s amazing how greasy those places can get.
I can really only do the work between 8am and 10am, between the time first staff arrives and when they open. That’s a great idea, to build up routes around each.
Why do you say you don’t like weekly cleans?
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The problem with weekly’s for me is it chews up a lot of my time when I can better utilize it somewhere else. Those regular type stops aren’t generally the lucrative type stops. They’re generally more consistent bill payers but not lump sum IRA contributors.
I corral small stops away from a weekly service just so I can allow big stuff to have priority when the time calls for. The way I do it is schedule all my route one week and all my larger jobs in the next week. Flip flop back and forth so I never get bored.
That way I can, in theory, get around to everyone.
true, but for a new person who’s hungry, can be real nice. not sure if @jackcrackers is new or not.
i had weeklies for awhile when i needed work and they served their purpose but eventually did start to get in the way as you mentioned
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Are these upscale restaurants? I think it’s a fair price but they may not be willing to pay 1,500 a month on window cleaning.