Hey guys,
I purchased this set up 2 months ago with the hopes of tapping into the residential market here in my area, I’ve realized though that I enjoy storefront work more and so I’m going back to pursuing that exclusively. This is a really great setup for 2-3 story work and its been well taken care of. Ive only used it about 3 times and the Hydropower still has its original resin bags inside. Also comes with an 11inch gooseneck and Bronze Wool pad holder kit.
I have all original boxes and paperwork.
I paid just around 2,200 for the whole set up. My asking price is 1500. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. If interested, we can figure out shipping and payment.
I live about 1 hour and a half from NYC and I’d be willing to travel up to 1 hour in any direction to meet a buyer.
Why not hang onto it? Soon as you sell it your gonna get an opportunity to score that three floor commercial building you’ve been eye balling for the season.
Thanks for the advice! I definitely see the value in it but my current business goals are taking me in a different direction. Who knows though, if it doesnt sell within a month or so I might just hold on to it.