FOR SALE: WOW $1,200 obo GlassRenu Scratch Removal System - Contractor's System with Case - used

FOR SALE: barely used GlassRenu Scratch Removal System - if you are looking here at this posting you know most likely know how good this solution is. This is the best available solution for removing scratches from glass. The technical and resupply support from the guys in California are great and there are tons of videos online to get you started and ramped up quickly. All of the replacement supplies and support will be available directly from GlassRenu if you own this kit. Included, as you can see in the photos, are plenty of the grinding and polishing disks. There are enough supplies remaining to earn back more than the cost of the system— but you need to call GlassRenu and buy some of their ‘magic polishing spray juice’ to complete this system. That polishing spray purchase is an additional cost that you will need to consider before you can get started making money with this kit.
This glass scratch removal kit is located in Santa Cruz. Only cash will be considered.
$1,400 or best offer (currently retails for $2,995) Thanks
Product Description

Includes everything you see here: In the Ruggedized Field Case:

High-end hand-held grinder
Qty. backing disks
Polishing felt pads
Rasp file
Laser temperature gun
Wire brush
RenuDisks (sizes/ grinding ranges)

My favorite thing is the use of “Wow” in any advert…


Act now!


looks like a great deal but not me right now.

How does one take a regular case and “ruggedize” it? Does the plastic undergo some sort of molecular re-orientation business? I love marketing.

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Hi, Is this still available?

Yes sir.


Thanks for the quick response, what is your best price and do you also ship abroad?


If we can finalize at 1,000 USD we have deal. If we have a deal let me know the bank details, weight etc.
