Found a scorpion that had gotten stuck or whatever and died on this screen. I guess it happens, it’s Arizona. Go to dust off the screen and flicked it to the ground. Little sh*t didn’t bounce or slide, nope landed on its feet and hitailed it under a nearby AC unit. Just a little startling.
I cleaned one house and found like three pressed lizards (like pressed flowers but with lizards) when I opened up the windows.
I guessed they climbed in and they couldn’t get out.
that would’ve made me jump. Better than having a pit bull loose on you, I’ve had that happen when it got off its chain. My hands were shaking the rest of the job. Not great for cleaning windows.
I see a lot of lizards where the window closes during the winter time. They climb in there to stay warm. Sometimes they are alive and other times they are flat dead.
we find a lot of dead frogs behind screens
I have not seen any frogs. I have opened a window before and the lizard jumps on me. That is funny! As long as they don’t bite me it’s all good.
yeah I’ve pulled out screens and found over 8 frogs in one window track before
I usually find frogs behind shutters when house washing.
Dont think ive ever seen frogs here. But the occasional dead rabbit or skunk in a deep window well