Free Window Cleaning Leads

So the WCR free FREE window cleaning service should be up and running 100% by the first day of spring. I will have the majority of the website up and running by mid week.

I have dreamed up and crafted a pretty neat way to get every window cleaner on the site here a a good supply of free leads year round… The only problem is we have only had about a hundred people sign up for it.

So if you haven’t already just fill in your info here:

It really is 100% FREE, with no strings attached… But I guess if you have all the work you need, don’t fill it out.

On to another topic: For those that have signed up how would you like your leads pre sorted?

What type of questions would you like answered or pre qualified by the potential customers?

[]How Many windows do you want cleaned?
]Do you need Window Cleaning at your home or office?
The more questions you guys lay out, the smoother this will run.


PS For now this looks like it will just be US, and Canada. Sorry one step at a time.

I loves me some WindowCleaningResource.Com!

Thanks Chris, Alex, Sean, Bill, Mandy, The Appointed One, etc.; Mark the Window Cleaner, Mr. Sanchez, and Mister Squeegee; Shawn Gavin, Kevin, Paul, Phil,, Mike Polsky; and my fellow members for contributing to the astonishing success here.

This is THE place to be.

I second what llaczko is saying. I am so glad that i stumbled onto this site last April. I have gained so much info from this site. Learned a lot and laughed a lot also. Great site . And with this addition of a lead generator… another reason to love this place.

Keep up the good work guys (and gals) :smiley:

I’ll just throw a couple out there…

Do you need the inside and the ouside of your property cleaned, or just the outside?
Do you need additional services such as screen, frame or track cleaning?
How long(roughly) has it been since your windows were cleaned?
How tall is your property?
What time of day is good to get a hold of you? ( Not sure about this one)


It truely is the window cleaning resource on the internet.

hey, you forgot to add your own name to the list!

Thanks Guys!

Does anyone have anything to add to what Josh wrote?

• Is there any paint, stucco or any other construction debris to be cleaned off?

• Are there any storm windows? If yes, has anyone taken them apart recently?

What stage are you at?
a. Checking out prices
b. ready to schedule
c. I need it done yesterday

Something like that

Is there good access to the windows you wished to be cleaned.
Do you have any dogs (or any animals) that are outside , that we need to be aware?

Alligators? Phil? Matt?

Which method of payment do you prefer?
Commercial, House, Office, Apartment or Greenhouse :smiley:
Would you also need an Awning/Pressure washing/Blind Cleaning quote…?
Do you make good coffee :smiley:

Is this a one time window cleaning or regular maintenance?And how often?

Bump! Sign up if you haven’t!

Thanks to WCR and all that are involved in making it the one stop shop of the wcing industry. Where else can you get Larry’s questions that make you think deeper, Kevin and Paul helping us market our way thru the tough times, and the one place for the best wcing TV shows out there.
Oh yeah I’d also like to see then tell me how many floors on the home. Is it a split level? Do they require any add on services? Would they like to discuss a monthly maintenance clean on their residence?

How about Square footage of home?

“Do you plan on serving bacon?”

Awesome Chris! Thanks a bunch. I signed up. Don’t know if I sign up before. If so sorry.


Oh I Like the storm window question…has it been taken apart recently…another one i would ask is has your home been repainted/remodeled? I cant tell you how many times i run into this. Then to find out a normal cleaning went straight to CCU.

Right on! I cant believe how few of people have signed up, you would think everyone in the directory would. Free Leads not to mention a link for SEO. Thanks Guys!

I will sign up once i get my business name registered and all. Right now its nothing but an idea, i hope to have it going by april 1st. :slight_smile: