Get A Grip

Seems as though unger ninja handle is considered to be the best by many.

Vote for another that beats it or comes close. Votes are unlimited.

  • Moerman Excelerator
  • Ettore Ledge EZ
  • Ettore Contour
  • Sorbo Swivel
  • Pulex Stutzy
  • Pulex Alumax
  • Ettore Pro Grip
  • Other (please specify)

0 voters

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Ledge EZ feels low rent and cheap - also has bad glue.

Can’t stand fixed handles.

Moerman, eh, it’s pretty okay not really bad.

Sorbo is dorky for me because when I go to use it my thumb flips open the release.

Unger’s green stuff is too small for my hand - literally makes my arm hurt after a while.

The ninja does feel pretty good, but I haven’t used it day to day.

And you voted for the Pro Grip, lol? Little nubber.:roll_eyes:

I assumed he meant the pro super system handles.

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You’re right.

Ive been calling wrongly the Ettore Rubber grip Quick Release the Pro Grip and the super systems “Contour”.

Favorite handle to date is the the old school (original) Unger zero degree handle.

  • Original Unger zero degree handle
  • Ettore ledge eze
  • Excelerator (getting use to it)

Hope this helps your research @TheWindowCleanse! :wink:

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unger ergotech

also the Mormon bi component handle is great

Still looking for one of these! Thought I found one on ebay but when I received it, it turned out to be an old style handle at about 30 degees.

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Ya gotta specify which ninja handle as well. There is a 30° and a 40°

At least one…YES!

Interesting. Pulex not getting the love. Anyone here use Pulex?