Gettin' after it

Hello all. Just wanted to introduce myself and my biz. As far as myself: I’m a high school teacher and coach in Sandy, UT. I’m married with 3 kids and chose cleaning windows as a way to supplement my income. I take any job I do seriously and hope to eventually earn respect as a professional in all I do. I’m obviously not there yet, but that’s why I joined WCRA.

I read a lot of forum talk as a guest last year, watched a lot of videos, and practiced a ton on my family’s windows before I officially organized the biz last summer. I’ve really enjoyed following the forum and have learned a ton from you all, so THANKS to each.

Brandon Watts
Watts Works
Sandy, UT

Welcome Brandon. Good luck in your business.

Welcome Brandon

Sandy should be a great market for summer time work!

Hello brandon. I am based in west jordan an have been in business since 1998.
Sandy is a good market. Just dont undercut. Yourself there are a lot of new start up companies in utah this year.
They are offering ridicules low prices.
Stick to the national average or slightly lower. There are a lot of customers in your area that will pay for quality service.
If you would like to trade idea’s feel free to give me a call. I am happy to help.
Todd 801-916-4614

Hi Todd. I would be thrilled to trade ideas. I’ll call you this weekend, or you can call me too. 801-842-2890