Getting a Job in High-Rise?

I’m a wildland firefighter with the US Forest Service and they’re about to lay the seasonal’s off for the winter. I’d really like to work in high-rise window cleaning after the fire season. I see them rappelling down the sides of super-tall buildings and it just looks like fun. I’ve had a bit of rappelling experience on my fire crew, does anyone have any advice for how I can get a job in high-rise? What qualifications are companies usually looking for? I’m in Salt Lake City right now. Thanks.

Las Vegas Rigging - Desert Specialty Rigging Supply Inc., LV, NV offers training.

The International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) also offers extensive safety training.

Perhaps contacting a SLC company will yield a training/employment opportunity.

Well, not having the fear of heights set your apart from the rest. So you have a some experience repelling that’s great, that’s a plus too. Now you need to learn to clean windows. Contact the suggestions on the last post or check around your local companies. It can be good money when you get some experience behind your back doing subcontracting. Jobs might be a little hard to come by that late in the season unless you’re willing to relocate to the west coast of the south east. Good luck.

You’re in Salt Lake? If you are willing to relocate to Seattle I can hook you up. Send me a pm if you’re interested.

Exactly what I needed! Thank you. I will be giving them a call today!

Hey Salvatore, I was in San Diego for the convention, and I remember someone saying that they had a bad string of injuries to high rise window cleaners and they passed laws concerning the use of rappeling gear. Check with the local government to see if it’s true. I know I sound like I’m against the idea of you going into high rise, but I’m not! Really! I’m in St. Louis so I’m not affected by anything you want to do. If you have any questions that would help get you started I would be delighted to help. That’s what this forum is for. I’ve been doing high rises with ropes and chairs for nearly thirty years, so I’ve got to have picked up something of use!

I live in Seattle already if you still have an open position. I’m a entertainment rigger and I do rope access work. I just hung a banner at 1521 2nd ave last friday. I own all my own rope access gear.

pgilland, PM sent. I haven’t had a reliable internet connection so have not had an opportunity to check back on my post. If the offer still stands, I’d be happy to submit a CV and references to your company.

Hello every one. I have been doing mid rise rope access work for 18+ years. I have worked for Brite-Way Services in Wisconsin on and off most of my life. Last fall I have finally formed my own co., Green Window Cleaning Services, LLC. I am currently doing some sub contracting from other local companies, and picking some work on my own. I would be happy to discuss subbing for others, if the interest is out there. I have also done quite a few self rescue demos for the IWCA hands on safety training. I have been SPRAT certified, and am currently IRATA certified. I would like to know if anyone would have any interest in having me train them or their employees, or just sub the work for them. I also know of another gentleman who would be willing to get involved with training the management or operations manager in the proper way to write a job safety/work plan, and the proper signatures to get from the property management. please feel free to contact me personally with any questions you may have.
Jeff Scott (608) 770-0791
[email protected]
[email protected]


I am a new user on this site; I found it after doing a google search for high rise window washing in Seattle. I am wondering if you are still in the industry, as I currently live in Bothell, and have been exploring new career fields of late.

I am not afraid of heights, though I do not have any experience in the field. I am currently 27, and work as a certified personal trainer (and I keep myself in good shape as well, not just my clients!).

Any help you can provide on required training (if the local companies provide and pay for it), employment opportunities, and salary advice would be extremely helpful. Also, in order to do it, is it usually a full-time job, or mostly part-time for folks? Does employment vary by season either?

Thank you in advance, and I apologize if any of my questions are fairly basic.

Charles Risner

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Not having the fear of heights perhaps you are ahead of the game. I don’t discourage people who is seeking for this type of job because its descent. In our office we pay a lucrative amount of money just to clean our window which is always pounded by waste from a bird.

I am a rope work instructor I have level 1,2 and 3 in rope access and I also have climbing techniques certificate so I am looking for a job in any company which deals with rope access.I am ready to relocate to any country around the world currenctly I live in Botswana.