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I don’t worry about “territories” or taking another WC’s business. If they were doing a good job, the customer wouldn’t switch. Especially if I’m priced higher. On the other side, I myself might lose a job here or there, but more than likely it will be because of price not service.


I agree Kael about the business plan. I would expand it to developing a company mission and vision (one year, five year, ten year, etc.). A mission and vision will give direction to how you should spend your time and money. It will also help you focus on what you are best at and most passionate about.

I think it would be a good idea to answer the question “What is the best way to get clients.”

For me, the best way so far has been going door to door. =)

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Yup most of the work I get is by walking in and introducing myself.

Hey guys I’m new to residential window cleaning and was curious about how you submit your price to the home owner. I am currently using Invoice2Go for my residential estimates and invoicing.
Do you just give your total price or do you break down line by line, windows, doors, transoms, screens, etc. that shows the cost of each item to be cleaned?

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For residential quotes, unless the customer is not around when I give the estimate I walk around and take a window count in my notebook, add up the price per window and once I’m done I knock on the door again to give the customer the price. I tell them and when I leave my card before I leave I right the price down on the back side and specify if it’s for in and out, just exterior, or select windows.

If they request a written/physical copy of an estimate I take their email address and when I get back and enter their info into Jobber I then email them the quote as well.

Mike Radzik
Pro Window Cleaning
Central Massachusetts

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For the area I work in a verbal contract works almost all the time. Residential or commercial.

Ditto. Except for larger commercial projects and the seldom homeowner who wants a written quote, it’s all spoken agreement. We do provide a receipt when they place their deposit, though.


The unger channels and rubber are a little “shorter” than the ettore stuff. You can use unger channels in ettore handles, but not vice versa since unger uses a “clipless” design.

You can also use ettore rubber in an unger channel, but not vice versa. Or at least I can’t - the short unger rubber drove me nuts until I figured out what was up.

Also, the pulex channel is shorter than the unger, but the pulex rubber is similar to the ettore in size.

When it comes to wide body channels, I was shocked at how much a difference the sorbo rubber made.

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Anyone wondering what to do 'to get started.'
Get to know THESE guys, here.

I consider a number of people here “Friends” and I think I know them fairly well.
Yet they still sometimes surprise me with their generosity.
(and I apologize using the term surprised, I should/do know better)

Way to “take the time,” Jared!! :cool:


Clean and simple thread. Easy to follow. Thanks

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This is exactly what I needed. Thanks!

It would be totally cool if somebody made a table that showed the compatibilities of the various channels, handles and rubbers.