I am putting links for Window Cleaners in the right column of the Glass Smart Blog. http://glass-smart.blogspot.com/These logos take readers straight to your websites. If you would like a link just ask. You can send me an email [email protected] This is the beginning of the Glass Smart Community. I also have a Face Book Group too with over a couple hundred members so we can discuss Smart Products. Please come on over and join up. This information will help you get more accounts. The link is Glass Smart Public Group | Facebook
You will also find links to other places. This community WindowCleaner.com that we are all members of is listed in the top left column. Also I have links there for the IWCA, AWC, WCM, and the EClean. Currently I am looking for sponsors/advertisers. The blog is up to 5,000 hits a month and has received over 64,000 hits since I started it about four years ago.
If you have any ideas of how the blog or the FB group can help you just let me know.
[email protected]