Glass Smart Training Classes

Well I have tried this a few times. Once it worked out well when I went down to the 84 Diner in Jersey. Hosted by Ricky Coshigano. We had about 8 of us. And had a very nice time. Then I tried it again as a seminar down there at the Motel next door. But couldn’t get down there. I have done a virtual seminar for a window cleaning franchise convention. That was a success. Since then I have backed off to give myself time to think. I have maintained contact with the Glass Committee of the IWCA however. And understand the convention down in Georgia should be VERY interesting. In particular the seminar on glass science.

So. Very recently I have decided to start up my own Glass Smart Class for the New England area. There is no charge. The focus will be on unconventional window cleaning product development. I am looking to work directly with about fifty companies in New England. Everyone is welcome. Just let me know if you are thinking about coming. I believe the room has a max capacity of 40 to 50. It is being planned right now for March 18th, from 3 to 5 which is a Wednesday. Still have to talk with the owners but this should be fine. I have spoke to them before. They just want us to drink beer and eat. I have some pictures on the Glass Smart Product Development blog on the most recent post. The link is given here.