Some of you may remember a recent post where I was flyering and got a call on the way home. Guy wanted a whole houseful of solar screens. So I told him you pay for materials upfront, and I’ll fabricate the screens onsite for $x.xx each. Well I finally got all the materials in and delivered to his home. Yesterday I killed myself in 115 degree direct sunlight getting set up and the first few screens fabricated. Today I show up and the materials and new screens have either been tampered with or moved around, what have you. Not that big of a deal. (This guy has no kids btw) I get started as I had the wrong self tappers yesterday to install the new-built screens. The bag of 200 turn tabs are missing. I ransacked my truck and everywhere else and these turn tabs were NOWHERE to be found. These things are essential for installing solar screens and I waited literally 2 weeks for them. I knocked on his door and all the sudden he’s “super disappointed” because I’m accusing him of stealing them when I actually lost them because of “being out in the sun too long”. After he started with that I packed up. I’ve never just left a customers house like that, but I’m not one to accuse anyone of anything unless I think I’m sure. Too hot to stand around and not make my money. I can do that crap in the AC. Now he texted me how “again I’m super disappointed that you accuse me…”
I think it would be a bad idea to leave any materials/tools at a customer’s house. As happened to you, something went missing. You say it is his fault but what if some neighbor kids were poking around? If the items were just left outside somewhere they are not your customer’s responsibility to secure.
My logic or his? Mine is that he saw how “easy” it was and decided not to have me finish them. Passive Aggressive is all I can think. Blaming me for being in the sun all day is b.s. I’m in the sun all day every day. And I never said anything like stealing. I said they were missing and he brought up the whole “accusing me of stealing” thing.
The materials are his. He can have a bonfire with them if he really wanted. The tools are recovered. I won’t ever offer onsite screen fab of that quantity again. I can work under a swamp cooler at my house.
Some ace hardware stores carry the thumb twists, in almond, Adobe, and bronze color in the back. Just have to ask. They are not on the store self.
If your making a bunch of screens, you should check out alumaline they are based in Tempe usually have same day or next day drop shipping right to your location. So you wouldn’t have to wait two weeks.
Yeah, I doubt that. My experience tells me that DIY’ers don’t usually call a professional and then sabotage the job in order to finish it themselves. You’ll probably hate my response but you are posting it online for feedback so here’s mine: You need to secure your tools and materials at a job site, never state things in a way that makes a customer feel like you are accusing them, and 3rd, don’t walk off a job you committed to and blame the customer because you didn’t plan your work correctly. This is 100% your fault and it was un-professional to walk like that just because you got in over your head and prefer air conditioning. You’re lucky if he doesn’t trash you with bad reviews online. That’s my .02.