Hey guys, so a few days ago I posted that I went canvassing for customers for the first time. Today I received my first call from one of the places I stoped in. I’m a little nervous but also excited, they asked me to stop down today to provide a quote. It’s a pizza places who I’m counting has around 24-25 windows. Mostly are ground level with a little pole work. What do you guys think on pricing? He wants interior and exterior every couple weeks. What would you guys charge? Is there anything I need to be aware of with pizza restaurants like really greasy windows like I know some other restaurants can be? I’ll try and upload a picture I was thinking 35 exterior and 70 for both what do you think?
What part of the country are you in? How much competition do you have? I’m in the North East USA and in my area, if it is 2x per month 140.00 is gonna be high. Pizza Places are notoriously cheap. and constant complainers. I do 150- 200 storefronts a week and have pizza parlors. I’m not sure I could get $50.00 a month. I know some may say not to lower your price. if you want to be in the storefront game you have to be competitive. you also have to charge what your market will bear. I have made a good living on storefront work so get an idea what other guys are charging in your area and compete. dont low ball, that will hurt you in the long run.
Yeah I’d probably be at 40-50 depending on that neon.
25 outside only.
I live in New England, there’s a decent amount of competition but there is also a a lot of work out there. He said his old cleaners would come once every few weeks so I’m not sure if that’s 2 times a month or once a month. I want to be competitive but also want to be profitable. Even if I’m at $1.00 per pane I’ll be at or over $50.00 for inside and out since there 25 windows
Do a $50 first clean. If it’s every two weeks to $35, that’s going to be a lot of finger prints. Or once a month for $40. Good luck! I hate cleaning those places because it always ends up being a pizza night
Yeah I don’t mess with neon. I make them sign a waver if they insist and usually they don’t sign when they are responsible. Don’t mess with it it takes forever even when they hold it out.
We have a bunch of Pizzeria’s and we never touch the Neon. Not worth the job if you crack one. If they are the ones with the box around then its ok to move them around - Or if they have the window brace feet. if they are like this See pic We do squeegee up to about 1/2 down and wipe off top just under the neon.
A heads-up if they use flour and not Cornmeal it will be all over the place. Wipe down with a dry rag then mop. this way it saves on the caking that will happen.
As for price in my area I do that (see pic) on a weekly for $50 but he gave me 5 stores.
P.S. Congratulation’s on the first one. Now rinse and repeat 100 times over.
hey guys so here’s the update… I went to the pizza restaurant today and he had 6 neon’s hanging in his windows. Now I have never dealt with neon’s, before if it was one or two I could have attempted it but 6, for my first time seems to me like it was a large risk for a potential liability. So I explained it to him and gave him a few options 1) he moves them ahead of time 2) I skip those windows when doing the interior 3) just doing exterior. He declined as he really was set on both interior and exterior being fully cleaned. So while it was a good learning experience needless to say I didn’t get the job. I would have lost the bid anyways as my prices were to high his old/current window cleaner is a very large franchise company that was doing both inside and out side for about .85 cents per pane. They were $45.00 for about 52 panes. I offerd to do all exterior windows and both interior and exterior side of his door for $30.00 which was a little lower than I wanted but thought it was a decent price.
So after I left that job I went canvancing again I went to about six more stores and out of the six three asked for quotes, two seem very interested. So we will see what happens. I’ll keep you all updated
Bet you have a local FiSH in the area. No look quotes, charging 1/2 market rate, and then paying some hack 70 cents on a dollar to do it. Don’t stress about it. If the business owner is that cheap your better off not having the job. Your balls will be busted to the point they are black and blue.
Not a real big fan of pizza shops anymore.
That exactly who was doing the windows… and they are definitely close by ( right down the street from my house actually) so I think they have claim on a lot of local storefronts in this area due to their super low prices.
Don’t worry to much about the FISH company and their prices. You are new like I am and you got to charge what its worth to you. You win some and loose some based on that, but I will say that like you FISH is local to me and from what I see are very unprofessional looking in appearance and presentation… My local FISH operator has a dirty truck inside and out and is not the most publicly presentable.
Now I am not trying to offend any FISH owners or people that may be on here, just saying you may get jobs from that others may have turned down the local company based on those factors. I do flooring also and have gained jobs based on a professional looking sales guy making cold calls and a shady looking worker showing up to do the job. So my experience is look professional, act professional and stick to your pricing cause it’s your living you are trying to make.
Good luck
I’d say it’s a bit high . I think 50.00 in and out first time is good and then 35/40 bi weekly/monthly. In the beginning it’s hard to get the right accounts . But stores like this can be stepping stones in the right direction . As you grow so will your prices and you will be pruning a lot.
Congrats on the first bid!
And good for you that you didn’t do anything it took to get it. I concur that neon is to be avoided unless they can be easily cleaned behind without contact. I’ve broken a few and they ain’t cheap.
One other consideration: be very dubious of promises from store owners to move obstacles out of the way. While most are likely well-intentioned, very few will consistently do this for you, due to extenuating factors.
You nailed it on appearance. I get jobs even though I’m significantly higher than the closest bid. People love ginger fros!
Pit bulls, not so much.