Got my first storefront today

So I started canvassing last week, had no success until today. Did a liquor store for 20 bucks, it felt good to finally do some windows! While I was doing it, a lady came by and asked if I do condos, I told her “yes!” She told me it’s pretty high, I just hope my 17" ladder can make it to her windows. How much do you guys charge for condo windows? Would it be the same for residential? I’m still new to the game so any advice, tips, feedback would be great. Oh and she also asked if I did window sills, what’s a good price for that?


I’d at least charge her enough to buy a 24’ extension ladder.


Question about the ladder, is there any rule or regulation on how to tie it to the roof? I have a van, but I’m unsure if I need to follow any kind of rules if I put a ladder on top. And what’s a good way of tieing it? Any recommendations?

Ratchet strap. Seriously though. Van roof racks don’t sound to stable to ratchet strap a 24 to. I’d give you plenty of room on the highway. Lol

@JaredAI don’t you have some funny gif for that laying around in your bag of tricks?



Yeah I’d be nervous driving, I had a canoe on the van roof one time and every bump on the highway sent my heart through the roof! But I’ll check out them ratchet straps, thanks!

She said pretty high - does that mean 3rd story? Does it mean she’s hanging off a cliff? You need to get more information from the customer while they’re in a talking mood. You can have one of two responses to “do you do houses.”

  1. Yes.

  2. Single story house, wants us to come out next month, maybe $150 house, she’s been having a problem with mice so she needs to take care of that, she’s originally from germany, and she likes us because she just knows about people by how they present themselves.

I also think new window cleaners need to spend time figuring out how and if windows can be done from the inside. Some tilt in, some actually come in, sliders can be lifted out, etc.

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If “real high” means 2.5-3 stories, a 24 isn’t going to cut it.

Some van luggage racks are rated for 50 or 75lbs it should stamped into the rack. I’d assume that’s the max safe weight that can be transported at speed. A 24’ ladder should be safe. But I wouldn’t go over a 24’ ladder for sure. Anything bigger should have a real ladder rack bolted to the roof.

Or get creative.


A 17 inch ladder?! :slight_smile:


I should have been more casual, but I was excited and kind of let it overwhelm me. But when and if she calls me, I’ll get more information like you mentioned. Thanks for the tips! I’ll look into the ladder roof,rack, etc as well so I can reach her windows if they’re high, but I’m sure it’ll be useful in the future as well even if the windows aren’t that high.

Haha, I meant 17ft.

Like the Stonehenge stage prop from “This Is Spinal Tap”
It was supposed to be 18 feet tall, but somebody wrote it as 18" so they got this tiny little model on the stage that barely comes past knee height.


Just use midgets!

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