Got my Ladder Rack on...Finally!

Been rolling with ladders (4’s,6 and 20’s) stored on the inside of my van for the last three months. I was ok with it until I busted my front windshield because I didn’t pack it right.

Id have done this weeks ago but just didn’t have the time until today. Now Im looking at over 100 bucks for a new windshield. Hind-site is 20/20.

Next up are a 3rd seat, metal shelves, then some hose reels.

Looking good, Ryan!

Yeah I agree with Larry. Thats a nice looking van! What kind is it? The wrap and the rack looks great!

Looks Good

Thanks! Its a 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan Cargo Van. Here is a shot of the back:

I traded in my 04 RAM1500 quad-cab for it. I miss my truck, but this thing holds more, looks better, and gets great gas mileage. Trying hard to get it paid off this year so I can add another…

How many vehicles do I need for a fleet?

Nice! I recently rode in a friends Caravan and I was impressed with it too.

Very nice. I am a truck guy, but that sure does look good. Can’t beat the wrap for visibility. I’ll bet it rides better than any truck ever could. Nice rack too by the way. I feel strange saying that to a guy. lol

Just don’t compliment him on his pole too and you will be alright;)

Looks very clean and sharp…nice!

Funny, according to the date and time of the second pic… while you were taking that picture, I was doing a “Birthday Shot!” :smiley:

Looks tight Ryan!

Glad to hear about the rack but that is a great wrap. That is for sure going to pay for itself

Hey Ryan, I forgot to ask-- what brand is the rack?

Its a steel Amer-Rac - purchased at northern tools. Im pleased with the quality so far. It was a little cheaper than some of the popular brand names, but it didn’t come with gasket sealant and I used different mounting hardware. (Used crush bolts instead of the oem).

Nice looking rig. Really like the wrap. Great investment.

Where did you get the ladder rack and how did you install it? I just got me a caravan

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This a 7 year old post, but the OP stated your answer a few posts up, though they didnt give detailed install instructions. Likely come with what you buy in store.