What program or apps do you like?
I do 90% of my stuff on excel. I have about 10 templates I work off of to see different KPIs in our company.
Quickbooks, haven’t tried anything else since the old school paper, copy, file system.
Thanks for the reply so far. I’m looking to be more specific in my tracking of weather to the flow of in coming calls be weather conditions (by the hour ect.) I’m looking for a (plug in and play) type program. I like data in graph and flow charts form.
I use excel just the setup time consuming.
That seems to be a strange thing to track (at least to me).
I don’t know of anything offhand, but how are you going to input the weather data into an app anyway? Other than manually that is. Wouldn’t that be pretty time consuming to track all year?
Actually this type of data is beneficial in a weather related industry.
Wow, that would be an a huge under taking. I’m sure you used google. I did and didn’t find anything. You could go to wunderground.com and do history of past weather and compare to your P&L sheet.
I did also and came up with nothing of value.
I have years of data compiled currently. Looking for a way to quickly graph it and make it easier to move forward with.
It just may not be available at this current time…
I just switched from Xero to Quickbooks and not loving it. I switched because I signed up for HouseCall Pro and I am loving that. If they ever integrate with Xero I’m going back. Lol I’m sure I’ll get used to it.
HouseCall Pro shows me what revenue to expect for the week/month ahead, invoices out, etc. A lot easier than keeping up with my yellow pad.
Expensify for tracking mileage.
Firehouse Subs app for lunch.
That’s was the only helpful part of your response @squidskc…
…Oh wait dang we don’t have a firehouse sub around here…
I have almost everything else totally automated. This should wrap up the rest of it if it can be done.
Only 10% of what I usually say is any help at all so that sounds about
right. Chipotle is a good app too.
We don’t have a Chipotle either… We are in the middle of no where.
So 0% of what I said was helpful… could be worse. I had about a mile of
awnings and a bunch of rust stains to clean up today that went lightning
fast and turned out beautifully. You can’t get me down Steve. Lol
“A simple wrong would’ve worked.” Lol
Use IFTTT. Should be easy peasy lemon squeezy.