Grubby Boab?

Boabs get pretty grubby over time. You could spend time with some acetone and whatnot to clean it up, or you could just sock it.

Start with your new Ninja Boab that you bought from WCR.

Then find your favorite color tube sock if you want to coordinate with your uniform color. Sporting good stores usually have different colors for soccer. Or if you want to stick with fashionable black you can pick some of these up from Walmart. 2 pairs for like $9.

Then combine the two.

If you get long tube socks, you’ll have to fold it over once or even one and a half times (like I did).

This can hide your old grubby boab or it’ll help keep your new boab clean. If the sock gets dirty, pull it off, toss it in the wash, or replace it.

PS: This also has the added benefit of being a drip guard. The thicker the sock, the more water it can hold. But regardless, you’d have to really soak it before it starts to drip.

PPS: It also has the added benefit of allowing you to strap a little more equipment to your boab: slide your screen tool in there, or maybe an extra squeegee size, or whatever.

PPPS: It’ll also help you keep your leg just a little bit dryer.

Customers won’t notice and if they do, they’ll think you have a custom made drip guard.

If you have the pulex boab and want to tie it to your leg, just cut the toe out of the sock and you’re good to go.

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Nice I will give it a go with a old sock

“Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc”

Pretty cool idea Jared.

Just make sure its not from the dirty hamper Pax!

Nice. Now I’m off to search for some lime green tube socks…


The short crews work great