Hardness of Rubber

Do you have a swivel ledger you don’t want? I have some large channels that don’t see any use in New England.

Thats easy. Duct tape or bubble gum.:slight_smile: I might drill a small hole in the top and use some sort of plastic push pin. or a screw adapter thing that the towel can drape thru a center hole and the cap screwed on. Wouldn’t use a zip tie unless a small one. You know, if not secured, Murphy will wait until you reach the glass and blow it off. See, someone out there has done just this thing already and wants the world to know.

Ingenuity- “The chief enemy of creativity is ‘good’ sense” Picasso

Hey Jesse, Maybe I was using a little hyperbole (Big word for me BTW I am not that smart) when I said this. I don’t have a extra swivel, But I do have a few swivel super channel handles the old style if you want them there yours . I have two 22" SC channels from when I worked for one of the cheapest guys ever. He made me cut my 24" done cause he wouldn’t buy 24" rubbers.

Ha, thanks man. I’m good on everything 'cept a swivel ledger… then, my collection will be complete, and I can say I’ve tried all the window cleaning tools out there. Maybe, I can convince Companion Tools to give me one if I review it like Mark Strange.
It’s shameless, how cheap I am and how I am addicted to the thrill of getting stuff free. Well, not really free, “bartered” is close.

I love to barter :slight_smile: