
Hello to you all
I am a window cleaner from the UK i have been doing it for years and am considering emigrating to Canada had enough of it here the economy is down the plug hole and the weather stinks too (worse for the fact i now live in the north east of Scotland) two seasons here cold or cold and wet!!
Have a heap of questions that hopefully some of you over there can answer for me as i believe things are slightly different compared to here

Hey Dean,
Welcome to the forum.
Fire away! I’m sure you’ll get all the answers you need.

Cold and wet for two seasons… I can’t stand two cold wet days.

Welcome aboard Dean… Glad to have some international members… We have quite a few Canadians here hopefully they can fill you in.

Welcome Dean. What type of wc do you do, residential, commercial or both? There are plenty of Canadians on this forum so if you have any specific questions regarding this market, fire away.

Hi Dean - are you licenced?

Thanks for the welcome guys
Beautiful view- i do all types of work residential and commercial and have added builders cleans recently
Karlosdaze-yes i am licenced i have three for different areas

I think Doug is working on that for you. Meanwhile keep your receipts - you may get some of your money back!
