First-time poster! I’m down in Florida and I have been strictly resident, I met a guy who is opening a new restaurant and needs his glass cleaned, he has 90 windows on the store and 36 of them being smaller garage door type grid windows. Some adhesive removal and Interior/Exterior. He also added if I give him a fair price he would hire me to do his house as well (he lives in a very nice part of town and influential) Since this is my first one with this type of job I don’t want to overbid and loose out on potential future work. Thank you guys for taking the time to read!
well how long to you think its going to take you to do 90 panes of glass including removing adhesive? also where in Florida are you? I’m in Florida too.
Hey man! I’m down in Lee and Collier county. I feel like I can get it done in a few hours there’s a little ladder work because of some awnings but not bad at all. Would it be wrong to charge per window? I was thinking like $2-2.5 a window inside and out. But doing the math I feel like he might look at the price and turn it down.
I’m in Jacksonville! I used to live in Lee county!
If it will take you 3 hours, then I’d suggest $120 minimum. That’s 40$/hr and is respectable for storefront. I always start at 50$ hr then feel them out and go down from there if need be. Remember that the second plus cleanings wont take as long.
If you feel that is a fair price then go for it. Don’t lowball and bid it cheap just to get it or just because the owner said he would have you clean the windows at his house.
Guys thank you for the input! If you’re down in this area hit me up and lets share some stories!
And also if his blinds, ceiling fans, etc. look dirty UPSELL those. that’s if you do that extra stuff.
I live farther north. In the Panhandle of Florida. Panama City to be exact.
hell yeah! I was just on the outside but I guarantee they have fans, its Florida lol!
Sounds about right. I am from Florida as well, price seems pretty standard for commercial.
Remember-- The stores eventually get the homes. You’d be amazed at what you may pick up just from that one job (People walking by, employees in the store, the manager’s family…) All you need is your foot in the door and it seems like you may have it once you land this.