Help with Business name/Logo

Oh i dont feel bad. I accepted my stix figures years ago. Im just trying to wrap my head around all i need to license my business. And there is a flash flood warning for my area…

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Buy a subpump and make money off the flood LOL

There is a business opportunity around every corner

Your local Vocational School or Graphic Arts school has students that need a project for their grade. A class assignment of Corporate Identity would fit the bill. Probably even free too. :wink:

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Front of card

Back of card

Let me know what you think. I put in random info to get an idea of layout…i really like the blown up logo on back

Benton, I feel you should try out a more modern looking font. As cool as the old English style is, it makes me think pub or antique store, not cleaning. Also, the check mark has a modern feel, so a font that matches that feeling might be better.

Sometimes it’s hard to divorce what we think is cool from what our marketing materials need to look like to invoke the proper feeling to the customer. Remember, you are selling a feeling. If the feeling they get is clean, professional, etc, you’ve nailed it.

Just my $0.02. :wink:


Yeah the font is just what i thought was cool and appealing. Not sure it goes with the logo. They didnt have the font i wanted (rockwall). But the double sided card is a good idea?
I couldnt get the logo on the front any bigger so figured a “Bam! In your face logo” on the back works

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Are you going to leave room for writing quotes on the cards during sales calls? Obviously formal estimates are necessary occasionally but customers like not having to find two pieces of info.

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Also up for debate. I could write it on the front above blue line as it wouldnt be too long of a number. And if they wanted a detailed write up i can use my reciept pad to do it. OR…if i can get the logo bigger, i wouldnt need both sides and that opens up backside for quote…

Thats why i posted…i love the double look. But its not me it has to impress…its the customer

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Yeah i think having designated space to write the quote is a great idea. It’ll be easier for you and look more professional. Maybe you can put your logo to the left or right and then do something like:

Date: __________

Window Cleaning Quote
Outside only: __________
In & out: __________

Snow Removal Quote



My question/debate is…wouldnt i know whether they wanted to do inside and out or just out before i give them the quote? I see your point about Professional looking. But thats alot to fit on a card. Unless of course i left the back blank

A lot of times they want both prices. Most of the time they didn’t come to you for a quote so they technically don’t want anything…yet. So you give them both prices for them to think about until you call back. Remember, you usually aren’t getting to the decision maker right off the get-go, so the info is getting passed on (hopefully). Or they might decide six months later, “hey we need our windows cleaned” and then they already have your card with both options. People like options. And maybe they don’t want to spend $30 a month in and out but they see your outside only price of $15 and decide they can swing that.

Yes, branding is important as a long-term strategy, but right now it’s not your logo that’s selling the product, it’s your price. Imo, as long as they see the logo, you’re fine. Again, this is one of those minor things that you don’t wanna overthink or get too attached to an idea that seems great in your head. You just need something practical that gets the job done.

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The idea is to make it scaleable bud. In a year when they call because the guy they had dropped the ball, You would have wanted them to know both
In and out for your pricing. When your office
Girl answers in five years, she’ll be wanting to know too. I kept it simple:


Yeah. Over thinking should be my middle name. Lol then yeah the 1 sided card should work.
“Quote good for 90days” does that work/good idea? Help encourage them to call you back. Or does it hurt if they call after 90 days

Then it should be my first name lol. I’m totally the analyst/strategist type, always looking for the absolute best way to do things preferably with 110% efficiency. Owning my own business has been teaching me to get more into a just get it done refine later mentality. Rather than reinvent the wheel, do what’s tried and true, make money, and customize and tweak as you go. Overthinking can make you rigid and inflexible, whereas successful businesses are fluid and organic, always evolving.

I still do it. If you saw any of my recent threads on wfp, I’m still trying to figure everything out to a tee before moving forward. Guess what? I finally bought it and now that I’m actually using it i already see things i want to buy/enhance/change, etc. I recently read in a fantastic book (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind) that successful people quickly educate themselves as best they can on things and then just jump right in, changing as they go. The motto was “Ready, fire, aim!”

Anyway, being the thinking type has its advantages in other ways, so keep those gears turning! Just don’t let that strength become a weakness.


Yeah im more of a people person. When it comes to plans and such yes i prefer to have everything thought out and perfect. I need to learn and adapt. Im not saying im not willing to be flexible or evolve. But it will be a learning curve. Thank you and all those who have helped with tips pointers and such

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Different font

Full last name or nothing besides your first name.
(Prefer last name though)

I’m happy to see your getting the cards done.


I personally would like to see the check mark on the front (glossy) and all the other stuff on the back (matte). Hand them a card and check it of their to-do list.


Now that’s a slick idea! :sunglasses:

I personally don’t like industry specific names, just look at the major brands we all know.
I feel it limits what you sell, you may start doing windows but end up specializing in KEC, or simply offer multiple services outside of cleaning.
You could make up a word like Publix, Chick-fil-A and Google did.
Also no personal name in case you sell the company.
Also I prefer to give a separate quote and keep a carbon copy or i just email them a digital one, so i have a reference in case they lose the quote.

My 2¢