Hey all. So i am trying to think of a name for my business thats professional. I will be doing window washing(obviously) as well as snow removal during winter. (I live in Rhode Island). So far i have:
BaBz [logo - shovel and a squeegee on a pole crossed like an X]
Squeaky Clean [logo- a mouse holding a squeegee]
Clear as Ice - no logo ideas
Please help with ideas for names and or logo. Again i want to be taken serious but open to some fun ideas…
Always look up the name you decide on a federal and state site, if you become big, or just known, and they have a copyright on that name, you will pay a lot.
I thought of 40 names before i picked Squeak N Squeegee Window Pros Only offered Window Cleaning. However, after 2 years in business I changed it to Squeak N Squeegee Cleaning Experts, and Offer Window Cleaning, Calcium Deposit removal, Screen repair, gutter cleaning, roof moss maintenance. Things change. Keep moving forward.
id go with the mouse - but dont give him a friendly face . make him a bit mean and keen looking and dont worry about it looking professional
my own nephew drew up my logo,thats an idea for you> get a young relative to do it for you. nephew wasnt even drawing me a logo,he was just doodling on my whiteboard and i later happened to noticed it /his first effort had “a tumour look” to his head that i really liked so decided id use it as my logo
he later did more doodles that are more professional that i use on my website
It can be a bit of a process, but that makes for a worthy logo for what you do and beyond.
First: get some inspiration by checking around the web with keywords - here is a great one that came up with “Logo inspiration”.
Next: keword - window cleaning/snow removal, and see what others have done.
From there you can draw up - yes I said DRAW UP - like actually grab a pencil and paper and sketch a couple of ideas out on paper. You DO NOT have to be an artist to sketch a rough idea and from there become creative. After several ideas you can take your best that you like and refine them or have someone with the ability to refine them for you.
It can be a fun and rewarding process to create your own logo.
Keep us posted on your progress. We would like to see how you progress and land that great logo!
Thanks guys. Keep them coming. I have used the websites and thats where im stuck lol i was thinking of using something similar to the riddler but thats copyrighted for sure…
It would prob be 50/50 depending on snow fall. Rhode Island gets a decent amount of snow. And plan on using my snow removal as a selling point. They get 2 services from 1 place. Both services are needed thruout the year…
My advice is keep it simple. Simple is memorable and also easier to stitch/print in all sizes. If you have all these details people can’t tell at a distance (like seeing your truck or even your shirt) what they are looking at. And remember, it doesn’t have to have a squeegee (or snow shovel). AT&T doesn’t have a phone, McDonald’s doesn’t have a burger, and Coke doesn’t have a bottle, yet we recognize and remember all their logos.
Other thoughts:
If you make my windows “as clear as ice” you’re fired. And I’m not sure i want you to clear my snow if it’s going to end up cleared as ice.
Imagine answering the phone with any of the BaBz ideas… people are gonna think you’re saying Bob’s window cleaning with a Boston accent. The Babz Bubblz was kinda cool, but same problem and it doesn’t sound like you’d do snow removal at all with that one.
I think your best idea so far is Squeaky Clean, but I’d do some more brainstorming.
Oh, and take it from me: go with a short name if you can. Otherwise you’ll need to do tons of abbreviating for your website name, business cards, etc. not to mention it’s a pain endorsing all your checks.
@WVWindowWashing Very true! Which is where im having such problems. I want something catchy yet professional. BaBz does not sound like bobs if you pronounce it correctly. Tho id prob be the only who can say it right haha (its sounds like babz bunny from loony toons)
And for the record ice can be clear…once you get all the purities out of it lol