So I’m hoping to get some solid advice from all the guys that have grown large enough to hire an Operations Manager to run their business.
We are at 4 full-time Technicians besides myself. I also am out in the field working almost every day. My wife works in the office, and we have a part-time Office Assistant as well. So we have a staff of 7, 5 full-time, and 2 -part-time.
We are slated to go over $400k in sales this year.
However, if I am ever to be able to take the business to the next level, and have more time for other things, I need to exit the hands on field work. I need to replace myself.
Right now, I am wearing a bunch of hats. I’m working cleaning windows a minimum of 40 hours a week, as well as making sure that all the other crews have what they need, and answer all their questions, and solve their work-related problems, order supplies, hire new employees, train new employees, etc. What I need to do, I think, is hire an Operations Manager.
So, for all of you guys that have ever done this, please give me some tips. How do you find a person like this? Where do I post an ad? Did you promote someone from within? My Technicians are all 23 years old or younger. At this point, none of them is Manager material. I’m thinking I need someone more seasoned, mature, and responsible, perhaps a married individual with a family.
How much would I need to pay this person? Did you pay hourly or salary?
Anyways, that’s plenty to get started. I really appreciate any feedback.