Home made door hangers

That’s not a bad idea

Atlas Window Cleaning
North Carolina

Looks official and all but I agree with most post. The price is too low…I would find a different line of work if its that competive.

Am I missing something? Some of you are saying this is $7 per? By my calculations $35/20 windows equals $1.75 each. Dirt cheap! At least charge $4.00 each which would be $80 for 20 outside only. Or $35 for the first 10 windows than your regular price after that which should be enough to stay competitive and be worth your while. What are the folks in your area paying for an oil change? Or a gallon of milk? Most people expect to pay a fair price for services rendered.

Scroll down to the right side of this page and look at the “National Average Ticker” and maybe charge half of that to get started then increase from there as you get better.

I like $135 outside only. $165 in/out

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I read it as 20 panes, not 20 windows. For a double hung = 35/20 = 1.75 * 2 in/out = 3.50 per pane in/out * 2 = 7 per double hung. Or the in/out price = 65/30 = 3.25 * 2 = 6.50 per double hung.

If you don’t do screens or tracks, it’s not too too bad. If that’s his market, then you could do worse than targeting single story houses where you don’t need a pole, don’t need a ladder, and don’t need to do anything other than clean the pane itself. I’d think you could probably do 20 panes basic clean outside only in about 30 minutes. Line up 2 houses and you’re making decent money.

I’m at 5 per pane but that includes brushing out the tracks (not detailing), washing the screen, removing cobwebs from around the windows and entry door. If it’s maintenance or a simple clean as I assume the hanger was for, then I’d probably be at $4 per pane (no screens, no tracks, no cobwebs, just wham bam thank you maam).

But I also learned my lesson in that I need a minimum. In a smaller town, that’s not really a problem.

I also like big tippers. Got a brand new broyhill leather chair and ottoman that I’m sitting in now because it didn’t go with the lady’s decor. Got a couple of nice bottles of wine one Christmas - then discovered I did NOT like wine.

But you also got to deal with the hand you’re dealt. I ain’t hatin cuz franchisee’s are doing less than $3.50 per window because they’re paying out the pocket for royalties, fees, and other “benefits” and yet there are some big dog franchisees making bank. Not as much as they COULD make without the collar, but they’re doing alright.

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if i do 20 panes in an hoir for 35 dollars im making 35 dollars an hour, thats nore than doublwle what i was makeing at my previous job. aldo i think the prices in our area are a little depressed because the guy i know who recently retired from window cleaning charged atound 30-35 for a house inside and out and that jas left its impact on the market, so i’m charging twice what he did

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How many window cleaners are there? Once you get your legs under you, you might try raising your prices because paying for insurance, equipment, gas, and everything else adds up to quite a bit.

You could justify a $1 increase by offering screen washing. That’ll get you competitive with the rest of us. If your guy was like our “old guy” he’d end up skipping windows because there were blinds in the way, or he wouldn’t clean the bottom window because there was a screen in the way, or he wouldn’t clean that top window because he’d need a ladder. But in his youth, he didn’t have a problem climbing out on a ledge 3 stories up to clean windows without a harness, without any safety equipment.

Hi welcome to WCR. The quality of your door hangers looks nice. As most have mentioned the pricing could be higher.

Prices can be really whatever you want, you never know how much you can get until you try… Especially with door hangers / fliers and mailers. You get a different type of customer with these methods. You sparked the idea in their head to get the work done. They usually aren’t calling around for pricing. They simply think, oh clean windows… what a good idea… Im going to call this guy.

Again nice work on the door hanger, good luck.

Are you comparing your previous take-home wage to the new hourly income? This is only really a fair comparison after you factor in equipment costs, vehicle costs, tax, insurance, travel time, sick days, holiday time etc etc,… in reality over 50% of the money you get from each job goes on the overheads of simply running your own business, so you may actually be less well off at the end of the day if you’re only making double,…

Really 50%?

I split my turnover 3 ways…

1 is mine (my wage)

2 is business running costs (general bills -insurances - marketing - consumables etc)

3 is rainy day expenditure (buying new expensive equipment - sickness periods - holiday pay)

So you can change that 50% to approx 33% - and I only get paid once the business bills etc are covered.

+1 :slight_smile:


if i am now making 35 an hour, then my take home pay is at least 25 after taxes and expenses, i don’t have much overhead, i already had the vehicle, the equipment, the door hangers are printed at home and i am making them for .10 each. i don’t have any employees, i don’t have a store front, so making a minimum of $25 an hour when i was making 14$ an hour (pre tax) is a great pay increase and it will only go up from here, but right now just need to make enough to provide for my families basic needs and i can worry about making more later once i get my feet under me.

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I hope it works out for you - but be very careful not to underestimate just how expensive it can be to run your own business…

thank you, i appreciate that


You will soon find out $35 per hour wont be enough, at first it seems like it’s lot of money but remember, its not like your clocking in clocking out 40 hours a week at $35 an hour… You will have slow days, weeks,months… And bills never stop!

but we’ve been making it on 14 so i think we’ll do fine

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why is everyone such a downer? i wasn’t asking about the price but rather the look and design of the door hanger. i’m fine with my prices, and these are meant for relatively small homes, i have other for larger houses.

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How did you make those? Special program for your computer? They are very nice.

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i use paint and open office. i create the text as a picture so i can resize it and move it around

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