Im talking about my solution.
Ive been using the same solution at the same ratio with the same water for months, no problems. Low TDS 60ish, GG4, GG GLIDE, Ecover. My home water does not have sulfur issues.
Last week, Carl and I are working, after about 3 stores I keep getting an awful sewage smell. Even when working inside.
So I ask him, are you getting a funky smell?
“Yes.” Pops open his squeeze bottle, squeezes air. Awwwrf! What the heck is that?
Changed out all the solution. Smell goes away.
This week, same smell from solution sitting in bottles for one day. Pump sprayer also had issue.
Never had this problem until 2 weeks ago.
This week I took a good whiff to isolate the odor. Sulfur. But I mean, I was literally checking the soles of my feet last week, that’s how bad it was.
Any thoughts? Bottles? Water? Chemical reaction with soaps?
Wash bottles with boiling water. If the bacteria was there last week, just rinsing them out wont do it. Needs to be over a certain temp to actually kill the bacteria.
Also if you only use the water from home, then the problem is probably your water heater. In which case youll keep having the problem
Ok, thanks.
I remembered that we filled up at a couple stops recently. Could have picked it up there.
Ive had the problem before. Chicago water sucks.
I once went to a dentist over the border indiana, immediately seeing my grill, he says u must have grown up in the city. He could tell the damage it had done to my teeth compared to his Indiana residents
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Ecover goes rancid in the bottle and smells TERRIBLE!
We were using GG4 / Ecover until last year. Found an old bottle of solution in the office closet and legit thought someone had pissed in it lol
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If you leave your solution in your bottle for a period of time. It starts to get that smell. Dump all bottles at the end of the day.
Not sure if it’s the ecocer like Chris is saying , but I do use Ecover , An if I leave the solution in the bottle it gets that smell. 
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Alrighty. Wow. So Ecover his bye bye. Btw, i use the UK washing up liquid.