That’s a dramatic oversimplification of both “bleach” and “chlorine.”
If you wanted to nitpick my use of the word “bleach” when I clearly used it in a non-technical way, you should definitely get your technicalities straight.
That’s a dramatic oversimplification of both “bleach” and “chlorine.”
If you wanted to nitpick my use of the word “bleach” when I clearly used it in a non-technical way, you should definitely get your technicalities straight.
I wasn’t nitpicking your use of the word “bleach”, a bunch of guys use it and since you used the term I figured you use it too. Don’t get your panties in a bunch because I cant read your mind or know how you mix your chems or know which terms you use incorrectly when you mean something else (bleach vs chlorine)
You are wrong that the difference between bleach and chlorine is the amount of sodium hypochlorite that each contains.
please enlighten me
Google is your friend
Your the one stating I’m wrong, prove your point
Chlorine is an element. What is bleach? A combination of chemicals, including sodium hypochlorite (at varying strengths). So there can be chlorine bleach that is for laundry, for pools, and for a variety of other purposes.
To say that chlorine is different from bleach because it contains more SH is silly and oversimplified.
now prove your point
What do you think my point is?
But I was right, and thats all that matters. You are the one nitpicking this thing to death
You say that chlorine is 10-12% sodium hypochlorite, while bleach is 3-6% sodium hypochlorite.
I am telling you that you are wrong. Chlorine is an element, that is part of what makes up sodium hypochlorite. Not the other way around.
And bleach varies wildly in strength, depending on its needed application. That’s my point. Your quoted statement is incorrect.
You’re right on this one but now now you’re the one nitpicking
read my link and then provide one of you’re own
“Chlorine is presently an important chemical for water purification (such as in water treatment plants), in disinfectants, and in bleach.”
“In most private swimming pools, chlorine itself is not used, but rather sodium hypochlorite, formed from chlorine and sodium hydroxide”
I don’t know why I bother but I’m done playing your game
I hate to say this, but this article actually proves Michael’s point. They refer to Chlorine as being a gas, that is, in it’s pure elemental form. And they use the term bleach intergangeably with Sodium Hypochlorite, to describe a more stable chemical used for water treatment.
Do you get tanks of pure chlorine gas? I’m guessing not, since you referred to getting a 10%-12% concentration, implying SH. So you’re really getting a “high-test” bleach.
And if you google the definition of Bleach, or look at the Wikipedia article, you’ll find that “bleach” can refer to any number of chemicals that cause a whitening effect, including SH, hydrogen peroxide, and others. The word comes from the old english “blaec” for “pale”, and is related to “bleak”. So although many over the counter bleach products contain other detergents and chemicals, any chemical that causes a whitening (and usually disinfecting) effect can rightly be called a bleach. This includes SH.
Yep. And why would you hate to say that? haha
[h=1]"Are Chlorine and Bleach the Same Thing?[/h] No, but they achieve disinfection in much the same way.
Elemental chlorine is chlorine in its pure form, although by its very nature, chlorine never exists in this state for long. It is always looking to bond with other substances. This tendency is what gives chlorine its power of disinfection. When it bonds with enzymes in bacteria and other cells, the enzymes stop functioning properly, and the bacteria and other cells die.
There are several chemical compounds that are referred to as bleach, but the most common is sodium hypochlorite. Its chemical formula is NaOCl, sometimes written as NaClO. Bleach molecules have chlorine locked inside them, which means that bleach can be transported without some of the extra regulatory requirements governing the transport of chlorine."
Over simplifying is a good thing. Making things way more complicated than needed is nothing more than trying to create drama for the sake of creating drama