Newbie Charlotte here from central Florida (Orlando to Deltona)…i havent gotten a customer yet kinda frustrated cause ill do whatever where ever i got new work shirt and my supplies to clean with like squeegee dawn sponges…
A good place to start is flyers. Drop them in neighborhoods that you want to work in.
I personally will not do door knocking. In my area, people really don’t like that at all.
But I do drop tons of flyers every year in the places I want to work. Like any other form of advertising, it’s a game of numbers.
will do thank you
Go to Zillow link —>
Start with home searches of $300,000 min and leave the maximum blank.
Get door hangers or flyers printed out and leave them at houses that you think you can handle. (start with at least 2,000)
Your first couple of jobs will pay for your door hangers plus money for you. Order 5,000 next time and repeat.
WOW thank you so much i would have never though of that thank you im on the site now
@Trenchfeet C’mon, Will, you’re needed here… Or does @wcs have to take over again?
C’mon man set up to the plate brother, when the teams busy you gotta fill in!
Lol, but Steve I’m already so weary of doing it.
Don’t be scared homie, we got your back!
Another thing to do, is look for the powerful/influential people of your area. If you get hooked up with local politicians, board members, and other movers and shakers, you will get recommendations from them.
But you have to learn where they are and how to market to them. You may be able to get fliers in front of them, if there are no laws against it.
Leverage all your personal business transactions by getting face time for your WC business. Potential clients like doing business with familiar people and your costs will be minimal.
I pay every bill that can be paid in person by taking the time to drive there and establishing those connections which lead to jobs and referrals. I stand in line to deposit all my checks in person and I have got referrals and been asked for my business card while at the bank.
I just finished a two day job (24 apartment unit) that I got from making an acquaintance at the chiropractor’s office. The two previous days I did 4 vacation homes that I got by attending a Chamber of Commerce training event. I Strongly recommend investing in Chamber of Commerce membership and attending as many events as possible.
You have such great suggestions it’s gold to me really I am going apply ASAP and will keep you posted
Now I wonder what @jonnyald would have to say on this subject!
My suggestion is to flyer or door hanger from sun up to sun down to get the ball rolling… It might sound chessy but it does work!
Once you get that ball rolling, get someone else to put out flyers/door hanger .
Oh man once it’s start it great!
Let me make a suggestion at this point, GET THIS BOOK ASAP. It’s road map to success! (No joke)
I’m so going to do that passing out flyers…where do I get the book
Just click the link I posted it will take you right where you need to be to purchase the book.
Oh HELL yeah !!! Thank u thank u thank u
passing out the flyers … sounds boring ,and it IS . WHAT worked for me is to get a massive stash of em and promise myself every single one would be delivered. not 1 left . if you had in mind to get 2k , instead get 20k . then work out a workable plan to deliver em. write your plan down , say 500 each week, thats workable. so youre going to be out for 40 weeks every weekend . pore over a street map , hmmm lets start at North of town and comb down for example
so many people do a couple of weeks flyering,then give up.they are footsore and the results are meagre. but if you dig deep and carry out your thorough plan to mash out the flyers the great results will follow thru . its Guaranteed . its called Carpet Bombing , no street is missed out and youll have a business to be proud of
dont worry about your flyer design, its not important [ i know a windie who put out 2.5k of the best quality card backed flyers and got not a single call,ever] what is important is the numbers. i proved that point as my flyers were ultra cheapo,i printed them at home all 25k of em
This isn’t my only job darn it. I been busy. I know one thing, If you never ask for it, no one will ever give it to ya.
That’s a really great idea