How do I politely decline this job?

Creepy. It would keep me up at night wondering what he’s doing.

Did you make it clear that you just wanted to keep it professional?

Lol. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

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This guy was a little different to begin with but I can handle that then it went way way sideways

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Who insulted you?

I’m sorry I don’t understand this whole thing. Why did he video tape you ? And what’s a trespass notice ?
He gave you a trespass notice then video taped you. Or video taped you them gave you a tresspass notice, and for what reason? , because he went cuckoo
This was a long time friend of yours?
Sorry for all the questions it’s just weird to me especially that it was a beat buddy .

If my beat buddy did this to me I would scratch my head, an just realize I need to get him somewhere for help. He would have no choice but to come with me.

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He was just a new customer chatting me up being semi normal person. Next thing I know he was doing all this wacky stuff. I think he wanted a freebie

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Gotcha ya!!

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This was an intersting read.
When I read Hansolo’s post, I pretty much figured he was saying
"price accordingly if you feel sketchy, rather than turn it down."
(make it worth your while- which others seems to agree with)

Then it somehow got turned into the old “bucket bob/underbidding” whatever.

Next thing I know there were cats walking upright, restraining orders, and CJ’s customer

  • who wants him to commit to a price on something he isn’t allowed to know anything about.
    "[I]Just picture a building, any building… now. Tell me, how much?!?[/I]"

I had one like that last year lol. We weren’t allowed to take out the faux french grids to do the insides.

We didn’t do the insides.

We also couldn’t bring a ladder in the house to hit the 3 palladians she had.

Didn’t do those either lol

I had a lady about 3 years ago almost go into shock when she realized I was using ‘used’ tools on the inside of her house. She expected that I would have brand new everything. I’m not sure what I said, but she let me go ahead with the insides. Glad she hasn’t called back again, even though it was good money and the view from her living room is to-die-for.

The less stress you have the better! Never feel bad for turning down a job

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If she ever does … just give her the new tool up charge. I wouldn’t mind a customer like that. Thanks for the new tools. :slight_smile:

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I’m scared to ask this, whats a “beat buddy”??

You don’t know ??
It was a typo. " best buddy’.

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I assumed it was a typo, but I thought you were talking about this guy:

Yuk beets ! Don’t tell me you put those on your green chilli thingy you eat.

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There’s not chile hot enough for me to like beats.

I have two of those customers. One has those big push pin looking things where I have to pull them out, straighten half of them and hold with needle nose pliers and rap back in with little brass hammer. The others have these plastic clips on the ends that have to be pried out very slowly and carefully with a small hook or they break