Feels like such a silly question, but my hands look repulsive anymore, like dirty all the time, even fresh out of the shower! I’m thinking of getting this orange cleaner that was gritty that was in the locker room of the factory i used to work in…not sure what it was called. What do you guys use? Or are grimy, disgusting-looking hands just an inevitability?
Hopefully i can still get a girlfriend with these hands. Lol
Fast orange, meant for mechanics, cleans you up real nice.
I personally just buy sturdy nitrile gloves (5mil or greater thickness) for wear while I’m doing the grody work.
Just about any ‘Cleaning Liquid’ will pull the oils out of your skin. There are at least two reasons why it is very important to replace those oils.
One, it will help to keep your hands from looking like a coal-diggers hands.
Two, without the oils in your skin you are more susceptible to all kinds of skin diseases (dermatitis) and infections.
“It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.”
It’s kinda ironic. I must wash my hands 10 times a day. I’m compulsive about it… But they’re dirty as hell man…
Truckstop hookers(Lot Lizards) only care about the money.
But, she might have you put socks on your hands.
I wear black nitrile gloves all year long. My hands have never looked this good. Microflex are the best I have found. A pair last me about a day. I can’t believe I put my hands in “that” filthy water for all those years. Dawn is great hand soap.
Microflex (MFXMK296L) MidKnight Black Powder-Free Nitrile Examination Gloves - Large, 100ct.
That’s the description from Amazon but I get XXL size not large.
Sometimes I wash my hands in my bucket when it’s fresh water and dawn soap.
I agree the nitrile gloves are the way to go!
Ya 5 mil
Wonder Grip gloves work nice wet or dry. They are technically gardening gloves. But grip great both wet and dry. Thin so hands breathe a lil. Ive had 1 pair for about a year now and used in warehouse. Ill post pics of them when i get home
Added bonus of the nitrile gloves is they keep your mitts warm and dry in cool weather, too. (Not that’s it’s ever THAT cold where I’m at)
I live in Boston and the nitrile gloves carry me through the winter. My Glacier gloves are in the van if I need them. Wore them maybe six times this season
Bonus points for the use of the word “grody”!
IMO its due to the soap you guys are using.
@IronLionZion are right on the brink of cracking, the more dirt that gets into those cracks in your hands and the more you wash them the more they dry out then the cracks start to open up that becomes painful.
Oh yeah. Tell me about it. Have to use salve on my hands all the time