How many hours a day are you working?
Is this consistent 5 days a week?
Is your hourly rate consistent throughout the week?
I find both residential and commercial rates are consistent, commercial being higher which it should. We average at least 8 hours each day about 40-45 hours a week March thru December.
Hourly goes up and down never tips below 40 rarely goes over 120. Working 12-13 hours a day plus drive. Started at 630 at a diner and did two grocery stores a bar and now into my last. It’s a car dealership.
Work 7 days spring and fall. Slow to 6 all summer except a week in august. Take Dec 15th to March 15th off for cold season.
Bout to slam out this last job real quick. Lol. Sometimes I see crooked I work so long. Haven’t stoped for lunch but don’t tell my wife
You employers would love me cause I work all day without complaining… lol
Oh yeah. I forgot that pizza shop. Did one of them too today
Same here, funny how they take care of us. That’s cool
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average 10 to 12 a day now that I finally found a reliable hand to help, it’s my cousin, hard worker. before I could never stay caught up working, I would go days with a couple hours of sleep, it was bad for the family. wife always concern about me eating also, lol. now I can breathe a little and be home more.
One thing that’s seems consistent is many work hard and have caring families.
Amen bro, I couldn’t do it without my wife and two little girls to kept me motivated to get up at 4 am everyday.
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I just like to clean glass.
I like to be the best in my area. That type of qualification takes practice. Lots and lots of practice.
Average 6 hours a day…Rarely do 8…consistent rate…all resi…
Average about 8 hours from pull-out to pull-in per day. My goal is to limit it to 4 days per week most of the year. That’s the average I shoot for. For example, in July I worked 3 days two weeks (personal obligations), 5 days the other two weeks.
I have two employees that work 2 days/week each.
My wife took a job last year that she was more excited about than co-running a WC business, so that has changed our work schedule. This year I am forcing the business to fit what I want out of schedule, as opposed to trying to take on more-and-more.
I’m fairly confident we could run 5-6 10 hour days April through November if I wanted to.
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We operate 4 days a week, mon-fri minus Tuesday. Average 10 hours for those days. We have part time employees so thats the reason we don’t work tuesday. Just hired a full time a couple weeks ago but he is not ready to do jobs on his own so once he is ready we will have 5 days available. I only work Mon,Wed and Fri now( me and my wife do regular Volunteer work each week). I really enjoy my schedule the way it is. My crew is me and 4 techs.
5 days a week (sometimes 6) when busy, and 4 when season is out. Usually 8 hours per day, with a sandwich break in between. Sometimes 9 or 10 hours a day working, and sometimes rained out after a few hours. I like starting early to beat the heat. 5:30-6:00am route jobs and work until 2-3pm-- still have your day and you put a full one in already. Stay hydrated, it’s rough out there
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