How old is your waterfed system?

Curious how long a system is good for or really how long one will own it before buying a newer system.

Mine is 5 years old, nothing wrong with it, just replace filters at regular intervals.

Find myself wanting a new system but wonder what real benefit it will be.

If its producing the water you need it to not much reason to upgrade. I Had an IPC 5 stage system in the field for over 10 years. It was awesome :slight_smile:

It actually might still be in the field I imagine it is. ( I sold it with the business so I cant say for sure)


Depends on the system really.

An older 5 stage for example, if you need to replace the two ROs at maybe $400 a piece and the DI and pre-filters all at once, that can add up pretty quick.

Take into account the shape of the frame, I’ve seen them rust completely through. The state of the filter housings, things like that.

Some people lease cars, they just want something new every 3 years. And there are plenty others that get a new car and use it for 10-15 years, just perform the maintenance and keep rolling.

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Well if you get a new system from ABC, plan on getting a new one in about 12-18 months. Their RO membrane housing is made of plastic. It can’t handle pressure and will burst on you! My advice for everyone is to stay away from their WFP/pure water products.


Mine is 2 hours old. :slight_smile:

Oops, not sure why this thread was at the top of the forums for me when it’s a month old.


@cactus27 has me convinced it was most likely aliens.


I’m on my third season with one Xero Pure and my other Xero pure is on its second season. Never even hooked up the DI on them. I replace the carbon filters every three months. Both are in perfect condition.

What’s your average income tds? That’s cool you can do that.