How quickly do you wash 20 window glass?

So the main reason for you to have two men crews is safety and keeping them working at a sustainable pace?

Another plus too 2 person team is employees enjoy the work more instead of “I’m doing all the work while my boss does nothing” then they go start their own business at bucket bob prices

I do enjoy working with someone else. I think most people do. However I’ve seen where this attitude happens with 2 people as well as one. I think this is sometimes an attitude issue more than working alone or not. At least based off the technicians I’ve had so far.

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if you’re the one buying and maintaining the trucks you want to maximize that truck, so depending on your job sizes and what you do, you will get more value out of that expense with 2 people vs 1 and 3 vs 2 and 4 vs 3, but it will depend on your typical job size if 3 or 4 can even work profitably

2 people window cleaning residential did 1.5 as an annual average what 1 person does and a crew of 3 did 2x what 1 person by themselves could do (with all being top tier producers) job size, job type and drive distance etc are huge factors. Many have observed this 2 people do 1.5 what 1 person can do by selves

I say this since this needs to be factored into your equations of profitability per truck

2 guys working solo will generate 2x, but it will take 2 trucks
2 guys working together will generate 1.5x but only need 1 truck
so looking at what .5x is and how that relates to additional truck cost/insurance/etc is your answer


I tried doing some figures and what I came up with was about $15,000 more per 2 technicians if they work alone all year. That’s after expenses. Obviously that’s in a perfect world but even $10,000 a year more seems ok.

Here’s what I did: 1 guy makes about $450-500 or 2 guys make $850-900(average). I’ll go with $150 more a day then 20 working days a month x10(working months) = $30,000.

$10,000 is my cost to add another truck then expenses. $200 gas/$100 insurance a month. So minus $3,600. Then maintenance for buying a used truck $2,000 maybe for the year. $30,000 minus $15,600 = $14,400 for the first year and roughly $24,000 every year after that.

Added bonus is you are seen around town a lot more having more of a presence with more trucks driving around. There’s a company here that has 20+ vans cleaning windows and usually it’s just one guy per van. I suspect this is his thinking behind it.


Really depends on the job. Every job is unique… Storefront glass is quick. Wet & Go for 20 large exterior panes would be 20 mins… but I do a lot of residential homes, which can take longer to navigate the yard and clean the tracks and screens … or interior furnature and knick-knacks. I do a 33 panes $99 and that is exterior only 1st and 2nd level with screens cleaned. Takes an 1 hour - 1.5 hours by myself…

10 min man!