I’m pretty happy with how well my “homemade” rivet tool worked
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Ok, so both yokes attached, and this is what it looks like:
There’s a bit of space there, so I drilled holes for the safety pins. My recommendation to anyone else attempting this, is to make your cut right about half way (or just a little higher) through the rung, and work from there. You may end up with a little crescent shaped gap between the rail and the yoke from where the rung was, but you won’t have this gap I’m stuck with. And if you’re closer on the scale to the weight rating than I am, you may want those yokes bearing some of the weight.
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Perhaps metallic ladder is thinking about getting out of the sectional ladder making business. They keep cutting back on the number of pieces they make.
Using a ratchet strap works a lot better than the mallet. Due to the effort involved in making such a small bend, I’ll only be modifying the base section. The 4’ mid section will always be directly above it in my setup.
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And the finished product:
It’s still a little snug, but workable. I may make another tweak at some point, or just deal with it as it wears in. I’m really looking forward to trying it out soon
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Very nice. Thanks Alex! Now we know it can be done. You’re gonna love the half piece.
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That wouldn’t surprise me at all. The page on their site for the sectional ladders is basically blank. Seems they’re into a lot of more lucrative projects, these days.
Awesome job, man!
I voted this thread 5 stars, I’ve never done that before.
Good call on the ratchet strap, by the way…
It was supposed to rain 2 inches here today… barely a few showers.
I pressurewashed my new house, did most of the deck, and accomplished many other projects there…
Just in time for Hurricane Joaquin to fk us in the a this weekend.
Captain Obvious: Weather moves from West to East for the most part.
So, you guys see the weather we had previously.
(as we do, from Chicago)
And oddly enough, I was Pwashing yesterday, all day (rare)
Swear to God, I was going to do a ‘not as much rain as called for’ forecast.
Mainly because I wanted to see the results of the job/task.
I am NOT even joking.
It shouldn’t matter so much to me, but I’m really trying to figure out what you’re saying here. I may be a little thick, lol. Were you considering postponing the job, or what?
Yeah it’s confusing as I read it back, sorry.
No, I meant, we were supposed to get a bunch of rain the day before you guys were.
And it wasn’t so bad. We ended up working right through it.
I was thinking that maybe your area would be spared. Since it was probably the same weather front.
But I didn’t want to say that, because I was hoping you would get your ladder done.
Ah, well that makes sense. Thank you for your consideration :). As it turned out, we got poured on first thing in the morning, and then it was a steady drizzle to light rain for most of the rest of the day. It definitely would have put a crimp in the $600+ resi job I had scheduled. I’d much rather have a perfectly clear day for a job like that; any slow-down in my pace means a second trip to finish.
In addition to the ladder, I also got a new lockset installed on our front door, as well as put up some hanging baskets in the kitchen. The windows will have to wait a little longer :rolleyes:
Ha, well it was selfish in intention, on my part.
I was hoping you wouldn’t brave it out, and put off the ladder mod.
As for the other stuff…
There is something to be said for those "forced days off."
It’s SO NICE to get other stuff done.
And let’s face it, I think we both know those days are far and few between.
[COLOR="#FF0000"]√[/COLOR] New Lock Set
[COLOR="#FF0000"]√[/COLOR] Hanging baskets hung
Two more checks off the list!
Hands up y’all: how many of you haven’t cleaned your own windows in the last 9 months?
Guilty as charged. (I used to clean them a couple times a year.) But I have power washed the home at least twice in that 9 months… That counts for something, right?