How to clean a dirty window

If you hear that, it’s too late, you scratched the window.


That’s a construction clean for me, scrape and white pad on annual cleans is excessive for me.

Technique we use for scraping is always scrape in the same direction lifting the scraper at each stroke, found the back and forth when it does scratch leaves more visible scratches.

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He was talking about how to clean a dirty window, not a CCU. Not all first cleans are a CCU, but the portrayed windows certainly are dirty and take a bit more effort than a regular clean.

Many of the videos on window cleaning don’t actually go into what it takes to clean a dirty window. A window that has already been cleaned 6 months ago is less effort than a window that hasn’t been cleaned in over a year or two.

I would like to see more of what people are dealing with on first cleans that are not considered construction clean ups, but rather neglected and dirty windows. You have to deal with mold, mud dabbers nest, spider webs, dirt build up on frames, etc. CCU you have paint, stucco, tape residue, paint thinner not cleaned off properly, etc. - a different animal.


An hence I hate putting s number ot price for what I get per window. Lol. To many guys out there that do this.
That’s why we get calls or people coming up to ya An asking how much do you get per window. Lol. Um what type what’s the accessibility any storms how Much ladder work on the inside. Do jace big curtains. Pain in he ass blinds. Am kast but not least when was the last time hey where cleaned how bad are they

Them you get that perplexed look like. Well the other told me $8 per. :man_facepalming:

Yes we use a price per to come up with what we want for the job , but I try to never tell people it’s 8 10 12 per. Unless need be. Which is hardly ever but occasionally if someone has a small house I just spit out a per window price. Between 8-12 per intell then depending on what type An how dirty.

To clarify for you, i posted on what was said, how to clean a dirty window, he did claim it was a year since cleaned, my issue is the technique shown is no different from a ccu technique and not necessarily needed to that extent on annual clean unless charging for that amount of depth.

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