So i think taking videos of myself practicing will help me see what im doing right/wrong. And i was just thinking, posting them will help me get better feed back from vets and help me overcome the perfectionist and nerves i get from people watching me…
Whats the best way to post videos here? Youtube? And can you post videos to YouTube from your phone?
Also dont forget you can make the video on youtube private and only allow us elite window cleaners to view it if you dont want to become a big youtube star!!!
Tell her we want to see that first before anything else!!
From an unlucky steelers fan…we were so close.I have a feeling we just might win the next bowl👍
Nah…not without some major overhauling imo. Big Ben’s heart doesn’t seem to be in the game anymore, and i think it’s time for a new coach too. Our offense was so monotonous last season especially once they discovered Bell’s running talent. The team has potential, but right now they’re in a rut. They’re good, but not Superbowl good. We can only hope.
Yeah i noticed Ben was up and down this year so hopefully he bounces back this season.I dont know i think tomlin is and has done a good job but agree they defo need to up there game slightly to get to a bowl this year.