Definition of conviction | Dictionary.com
Conviction definition, a fixed or firm belief:No clever argument, no persuasive fact or theory could make a dent in his conviction in the rightness of his position. See more.
Where do you live that the going rate for storefront work is $4.00 to $5.00 per pane for inside and out service? People would call the cops on us for attempted robbery if we had a similar pricing structure.
I think it’s your best informational video you produced so far Jordie.
Great video Jordie!
I live in New England.
Thanks for the great video. I thought my stuff was underpriced, over due for a price increase. I guess not.
I almost never charge extra for initial cleans because of resistance from the customer. You charge extra all the time, no problem?
I call the cubicle entree ways glass a vestibule.
If someone from your area sees this video they’ll know your pricing structure. You’re not concerned about them undercutting you?
Actually that’s the going rate in our neck of the woods. Forget I asked, haha
And i thought i was being aggressive with the pricing. But guys, this is another New England storefront guy @BostonMike giving feedback.
Up until just recently i wouldn’t charge extra for initial. Every single time I would say to myself, i should have charged extra. So now, yes, all the time.
So how many times is all the time?
working in an upscale community near Boston. New York City area and California are probably more and if you’re working in the boonies is probably less.
IDK less compitition. Lol
IDK less compitition. Lol
There are far too many here that either “do it themselves” (yea, it shows!), or wait for someone to come by and do it for $10, until they quit and someone else comes by for $10. A handful know the value in clean windows for $50 - $100, but I’d rather chase residential.
If someone from your area sees this video they’ll know your pricing structure. You’re not concerned about them undercutting you?
No. If you watch my Price Blitz Recap, youll understand better my reasoning for pricing and sharing.
I’d rather chase residential.
I’d rather have commercial chase me. And residential.
DM calls me, had another store added to District, can I add to my route? And when their WC contract expires, can I do their windows too?
In that 5 minute conversation, I added 40-50 jobs to my yearly calendar. Granted, it was for power washing but the principle applies to window cleaning too.
Started cleanings, GM and me hit it off, loves our work, wants us to do his windows too. There would be 26 more jobs to calendar. About 10G/year between both. No marketing, no cold calls, no followups, no canvassing.
Resi is nice but what happens next week, next month, tomorrow? Yeah, constant chasing. Unless you do the impossible - resi routework.
So when you say $25 every other week or $50 every other week. Is that $25 a wash $ 50 a wash inside an out ???
In other words it would be $100 a month 2 x a month inside an out.
, An 50 a month 2 times inside an out
Also you you are talking about a lot of corporate stores that are through maintenance companies.
So when you say $25 every other week or $50 every other week. Is that $25 a wash $ 50 a wash inside an out ???
talking about a lot of corporate stores
True. Very true, @Majestic66. But the point of this video was to show simply size/price ratio.
Unless you do the impossible - resi routework
It’s possible with conviction and determination.
It’s possible with convection and determination.
Determined convection?
Convection (Noun):
movement in a gas or liquid in which the warmer parts move up and the cooler parts move down
Thank Garry i corrected the spelling.
Conviction definition, a fixed or firm belief:No clever argument, no persuasive fact or theory could make a dent in his conviction in the rightness of his position. See more.
So @TheWindowCleanse say you’re bidding a window 15ft high by 9ft wide with tables inside and bushes outside. How much would you charge? monthly Justfor s&g