Hi guys, typically I will go to a business and talk with the business owner/manager about their windows and get the response that I need to contact “headquarters”. Once I ask who that is and what’s their number they can tell I’m for real and give me that info. My question though is that usually once I call this person at “such and such company headquarters” and talk to them the conversation ends or stalemates.
Any suggestions on how to setup corporate accounts (Sprouts, Auto Zone, Noodles Inc., etc). Thanks!
Check in these categories
Its been covered not to long ago
Memory Man.
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Stick to the script… Maybe you need to refine your pitch.
Its because these corporate heads really don’t care about something as little as window cleaning. Their focus is on bigger things for the many locations they oversee. Got to find a way for that individual store manager to care like you want them too to get their corporate boss to authorize your service at the location.
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