Hi. Just a question about buying Huck towels online. What’s the best place to buy them brand new?
I noticed some sites warned about stains, blood, bacteria etc (which freaked me out). I’ve never used these towels before. Can someone tell me what the deal is? And how (and where) to get/buy genuine (safe hygienically) un-used (un-soiled) ones online?
100% cotton Hucks have a slight amount of natural oil on them when they are brand new. So washing several times eliminates this oil and makes them much more absorbent. Even soaking them in a very little bit of bleach helps to eliminate the natural oil. Just not too much or they will rip. Hucks are the best. My first mentor back in 1980 used to have 100 percent cotton bed sheets that were washed a thousand times. We called them grey matter because they actually had turned grey. More absorbent than paper towels. We would dig through the bag of sheets to find those that were the most grey. Cotton is based on the cellulose molecule which is naturally attracted to water. Paper is also based on cellulose.
Hi. Thanks guy’s for your input. I’m trying to find a supplier who will ship to New Zealand for a reasonable price. I want at least 50 (maybe more) and specifically in the Teal Green color, which matches with parts of my uniform. Any recommendations?