This was brought to my attention again on the Glass Smart FB Group. So I contacted the chemist by email and am now in the process of having a sample sent to me for beta testing. It is a coating not a super wetting soap. So there should be no residue once the WFP rinse water “drains”. This can happen with super wetters which are organic, based on a silicon chemistry, or likely even a fluorine chemistry.
Tell me your thoughts. Would you like the chance to beta test a product like this?
My discusions with the chemist are becoming more productive. I am waiting for papers to sign before I receive my sample. He does work for the governement. I just got some numbers from him. And it looks like it definitely will be affordable. Has a 35% ethanol base and is founded on nanotechnology. So a nanoparticle. Will keep everyone posted. Keep your eye on this thread !!!