Hi so I opened my window cleaning company in Arizona in March of this year and have been getting a couple residential jobs here and there but I have never been able to land a commercial job. I am not sure what I would need in order to do store fronts as far as paperwork goes. I have insurance and the knowledge on cleaning the glass. Do I need to have a work order or Estimate sheet when I’m out canvassing? If so can anyone post some good examples of what theirs looks like or can point me in the right direction? Thanks a lot.
When you say Commercial…do you mean store front? Or commercial businesses such as Banks, office buildings…or Doctor & Dentist offices. If you are talking about Store Fronts, have you walked in, introduced yourself and asked for the business? For store fronts,this is really the only way you are going to land those accounts. Hit the street with some business cards and maybe some flyers and talk to the Managers.
As far as other commercial accounts…maybe direct mailing and phone calls…In the end,it gets down to going out and getting the work. Walk through those doors and make it happen.
My apologies for not being clear. I was referring to mostly store fronts. So I wouldn’t need any estimate sheets or anything? Just business cards?
Keep it simple, business card with a spot for you price quote on the back.
And a sheet to keep track of the people you gave estimates too, so you can follow up with them.
Can’t get it straight.
Same as @wcs said.
Thanks guys. Any other tips you can give for someone whos never canvassed before?
It helps to know the bid numbers before you ask if they want them. X for in and out, Y outside only, Z for entryway only.
Learning to gain work is an ever evolving practice. The more you practice the better you get. You’ll always make mistakes but seasoned solicitors learned to make fewer.
My tip today on soliciting; Welcome the no’s. Your going to get then anyway. Count them, eventually you won’t get a no, you’ll get a yes and you’ll get work. Tally up the no’s and make a ratio for how many it took to get to the yes. Now just talk to that many more people and you should have another yes. It’s a game of numbers that you can improve. As you get more confident. You’ll get a smaller number of no’s before you get to yes. Bonus* if you don’t ask again after they say no once your missing out. Don’t just be a slack jaw and immediately repeat yourself to ask again, give them new/more info and buff the value of your service then ask again.