Maybe in 2-3 years I’ll ditch the pickup for one of these:
Seems me the perfect size.
Its fits your style
we have one now. Replaced our NV which got totaled.
NV is great for storage but a bit big and a pain to get ladders off
Transit Connect is a little small for all we carry daily
It seems to be hard to find a balance between having enough space and having too much. Anything small is going to be good on gas but not big enough for the pure water and pressure washer setup. The larger vans capable of handling that type of payload are gas guzzlers… Go figure…
Definitely your style…
I love my Astro! I’m always looking for another one. They don’t make 'em like this anymore. Room for tank system, WFP, Traditional, and Trolly. Mileage isn’t the best, but give and take.
love our Astro
Love how organized you have it. That’s how i like to work too.
Yeah If you can find one in good shape. They are kinda nice