
What ms the best bonding agent for plastic.
For my step in the can

I like Power-grab. Its like a tube of caulk

Step in what can? You have an outhouse?

For something like that I’d use some jb weld. It seems to work on everything. Except ettore poles.


Just rip it outta there, lol. Count it as gas saved from weight.

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Every penny counts the 2 cents a year Will come in handy :rofl:


Waste not want not. Hell. You could probobly pick up more pennies off the ground in a year that your save on thegas. Lol


What The hell is wrong with picking up pennies? I do all day long. Just not inside at a customer’s.


Loves me some drive thru windows. All kinds of change lying around. Unless the bums where hanging around the night before. Just empty quarts and cigarette butts.

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Totally. @TexasRich @Trenchfeet. I do close to 100k and have no shame in them drive thru coins. Probably pick up 25.00 a year. Haha