I think I’d give a kidney if anyone came up with a way to make these dang things wireless. If you think wfp will be the end of your eternal struggle against bushes and shrubs, think again. Not sure what i hate more, navigating the ladder through their clearly-not-considering-the-feelings-of-the-window-cleaner-next-time-you-build-a-house-please-consult-me-first garden, or wrestling with all the dang hoses catching on literally everything imaginable. Literally. Everything. “Oh, it won’t catch on that. I proly can just give it a quick tug.” Congratulations! You are a modern-day nostradamus and have just with 100% accuracy revealed the precise object that your hose will definitely catch on next. Not kidding: I was caught on something the other day and, quite perplexed (and of course annoyed) went to check what it was. The hose was all up in my Aztec Screen Washer. And i dont mean slightly caught on it. No. All up in there. Like tangled with multiple loops! How?! I almost took a picture but my ticked-offedness slightly superceded what a funny scene it was.
So, yeah…hose management is a definite part of the wfp learning curve.